Weight Loss

South Park Gardens - Fit in The Park - Summer's coming, we're outside tonight!

Fit In The Park will be back in the park tonight! It's a fantastic way to start the week. We get a lovely mix of both men & women of all fitness levels coming along.

For those of you who don't know it, South Park Gardens is just a 5 min walk from Wimbledon station. If you're driving, there's free parking in Effra, Faraday & Clarence Roads after 6.30pm (some of the other roads are metered at this time). 

So get those trainers on & join us at 7.30pm tonight for some outdoor fitness fun. You can use your HA fitness class passes or drop-in. All details are on our website.

If you can't make it tonight, check out our timetable to find another class that suits you. Don't forget, we've also got lots of exciting courses and BootCamps coming up. Check our web page for more information.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

So who is Kelly?!

Kelly Lindley

I'm very proud to say that the HA fitness team is growing, and we're delighted to have Kelly Lindley join us.

We first met Kelly when she started coming to Buggyfit in Wimbledon Park about 18 months ago. Since then she has re-trained as a Personal Trainer, and we're pleased to say that she is now actually running some of our classes and one-to-one sessions for us.

Kelly has a huge passion for all types of fitness, and has a strong focus on weight training and body building. She's lots of fun to be around and will be bringing tons of great new ideas to our sessions. She loves the buzz exercise gives her, and is keen to share that with you all!

Not only is she a Personal Trainer, Kelly is also an amazing make-up artist. So if you've got a big day coming up, or would like some top tips, do ask her about how she can help you.

Please visit our About Us section of our website to find out more about Kelly

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Will Exercising Before Breakfast Make Me Thin?

Cardio Controversy

Some research suggests that if you exercise first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, it may encourage your body to burn a greater proportion of fat as fuel.

The theory goes that your glycogen stores are depleted from fasting during the night. If you get up, don’t eat anything and immediately start exercising, your body then has to burn more fat as a source of energy.

Fat Chance!

Before you jump out of bed at 5am and head directly out for a run, there are few reasons why this isn’t necessarily a good plan.

Firstly, by skipping breakfast and going straight into your workout, you’re likely to tire sooner than if you’d munched on a banana first. 

Flagging energy levels may result in a shorter or less intensive session and you ultimately burn fewer calories. It can also have a ruinous effect on any type of endurance training.

On top of that, you could end up being so hungry following your workout that you scoff more calories than you would do normally!

Let Not the Sands of Time Spoil Your Breakfast!

Admittedly not everyone can stomach food first thing in the morning and then go straight into a workout. A smoothie or piece of fruit with water might be a wise option. It’s really what works for you.

What I’m trying to get across is that the timing of your cardio workout is not an important factor in fat loss.  The key is to burn more calories than you consume overall. Do this by exercising as much as possible and follow a healthy balanced diet.

My ideal is to get up early, eat a banana wrapped up in a piece of bread, and wash it down with a glass of water. Then get dressed and head out for a run.  It gets the workout done plus you glow with that feel-good factor and a smug sensation all day!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Weight Matters

Beware Of That Torturous Device Lurking In A Corner of Your Bathroom

Do you own a set of dusty, antiquated bathroom scales with a simple needle and dial that allows for a certain amount of optimistic user error? Or maybe you’ve invested in a bells and whistles body composition monitor, complete with WiFi that sends your precise measurements directly to an app on your iphone? Whatever the level of technology, you’re more than likely to have some sort of weight measuring machine tucked away somewhere.

However, no matter how much money you’ve spent on them, bathroom scales are often fickle contraptions that can leave you feeling either deeply offended or over-the-moon, depending on the numbers that they reveal. If this sounds all too familiar, then beware, those numbers are often paint a confusing picture.

The Naked Truth

Surprisingly, when most people glumly stare down at the scales, they don’t account for the actual weight of any food or drink that they’ve recently devoured. It sounds obvious, but the heaviness of whatever you’ve consumed will be included in your recorded weight, as if you were holding it all in your hands, until you eventually excrete it from your body. The same goes for any clothes that you’re wearing.

For women, different times of the month can make you feel bloated and your jeans more of a struggle to do up, even if you have been angelic with your food and exercise regime over the previous few weeks. The best way to manage this is to acknowledge the fact that you may go up and down 3 to 4 pounds throughout your cycle. Learn what your personal levels of fluctuation are over time, and stay positive, as commiserating with chocolate every month certainly won’t help the cause!

Free Yourself From The Daily Insults

If you’re one of those people who regimentally jumps on the scales every morning, then you’re likely to set yourself up for failure at least once a week.

However, just because you’ve put a pound on in the last 24 hours, it doesn’t mean that your weight loss programme is a complete disaster and that you should wave the white flag, giving it all up for a large slice of cake. It’s just a natural blip, and, as your weight goes up and down all the time, you should be back on track in a day or so.

It’s more sensible, however, to weigh yourself on a weekly basis. Plot this figure on a graph, so that you can smooth out any fluctuations, and then look at your monthly moving average. You could also print the graph off and stick it on your fridge to keep you focused. It might all sound a bit nerdy, but at least you’ll be a healthy and slim-looking nerd!

As a guide for weight loss, you’re looking for a general downward trend of 1 to 2 pounds per week. Anymore than this, and you’re likely to be losing muscle mass, and will probably put all of it back on again. Any less than this, and you could possibly be trying a bit harder!

A Balancing Act

The easiest way to do an accurate weigh-in is to get yourself on the scales first thing in the morning, in your birthday suit, before breakfast and after you’ve been to the toilet.

When planning your weigh-ins, it’s worth noting that mid-week assessments will typically give you more favourable results than on a Monday morning after an excessive weekend!

If you’re also measuring body composition (the percentage of body fat, muscle and water), you’re likely to be de-hydrated first thing in the morning, which will affect your readings. Although your actual amount of body fat will not change throughout the day, your overall body fat percentage will, as your water levels fluctuate. It’s therefore recommended to measure your body fat percentages in the early evening, before dinner, and when your body is fully hydrated. Don’t forget that your hydration levels are also affected by exercise, heat and alcohol (even if you can still read the numbers!).

Body fat levels change slowly over time, and so again, you need to be looking at the long-term trend. If you’re looking to loose weight, you should be aiming to drop around 1% to 2% of body fat each month.

If this all sounds complex, and you switched off a couple of paragraphs ago, the most important thing to remember is consistency. Do your best to duplicate your weigh-in conditions every time. This means the same time of day, what you’ve eaten and drunk, the amount of clothing, whether it’s pre or post work-out etc. Remember, the harder you train and the healthier you eat, the better the results.

Don’t Be a Slave to The Numbers

If you’re watching your weight, but are now put off by using bathroom scales, then there is another way. 

My personal preference is how my clothes are fitting, my level of fitness, how much energy I have and how healthy, strong and lean I feel. Your own perceptions can be the most valuable tools to help you track your weight. A full-length mirror and trustworthy friends are also good sources of information!

If you prefer something more mathematical, you can also take body measurements with a tape measure and body fat callipers. Provided that they are used correctly, preferably by a trained professional, they will give highly accurate readings of your size and body fat. Although, be prepared to be prodded and poked a little!

The Bottom Line

Scales are useful tools for watching and controlling your weight over a period of time, however regular weigh-ins aren’t the only or necessarily best option, and there are many other ways of monitoring your health.

And finally, a word of warning about result fixing techniques, like putting the scales on a slope to achieve a favourable weight, or jumping on and off them as quickly as possible to limit the damage.  It’s called cheating and we’ve seen it all before. If this sounds familiar, do give us a call, as we’ll certainly be able to help put you back on track again!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Avoid Gaining Excess Baggage This Holiday

If you’ve spent the last few months working hard to get your beach body ready for action, the last thing you want to do is see the pounds pile back on whilst you’re on holiday. Here are a few tips to avoid turning from beach babe to beached whale:

Count Your Cocktail Calories

Depending on how it’s made, a large Pina Colada can contain more calories than a Big Mac (490 calories), so make shrewd choices when you’re checking-out the cocktail list.  Better still, rather than a cocktail, opt for spirits such as vodka, whiskey or gin and have them on the rocks, or with a low calorie mixer, sipped not gulped!

Drink plenty of water to keep you both hydrated and feeling full. Add lemon or lime and ice-cubes to make it more appealing. Never use alcohol to try and quench your thirst, an ice cold beer may taste refreshing, but it won’t do your hydration levels or waistline any good!

Select, Seduce And Stay Slim

Holidays aren’t the time for strict diets, so do allow yourself some treats. Calorific indulgences should, however, be something that you’re really going to enjoy, rather than just a stale bit of sweet bread, so spend time selecting the best treat you can possibly find.

Don’t rush, holidays are all about slowing down and taking it easy. Allow yourself to be seduced by your food, enjoy everything about it including the presentation, aroma, texture and taste. By literally savouring every mouthful, you’ll end up eating far less and enjoy your food a lot more.

Restaurant Rules

In the restaurant, avoid munching on the mountains of free bread that you’re given. Save yourself for your meal, it’ll taste much nicer if you haven't already binged on tastless snacks first. If you’re waiting for a course to come, use the time to re-fresh your palette with some sin-free water.

Try not to have a starter, a pudding and a high calorie alcoholic drink all in one sitting. Opt for one out of the three or just go for the main meal. Remember that a couple of cocktails and a dessert everyday could add half a stone to your waistline by the end of a week!

If you’re on an all-inclusive holiday, keep reminding yourself that just because it’s all paid for, it doesn’t mean you have to eat it all. And don’t take the “all-you-can-eat buffet” idea too literally!

It’s All About Balance

Finally, try to make some healthy choices everyday, but make sure it doesn’t become a chore that ruins your holiday. Make a concerted effort to balance out any extra calories that you take on, by being as active as possible. Plan to swim and walk everyday, and take advantage of any fitness classes that might be going on, or a gym that you could use.  

Enjoy your holiday, have fun and don’t forget to pack your trainers!


PS. You’ll find some more holiday tips in my 2008 article: Forget Credit, You’re The One Who Should Be Crunching This Summer

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Waist Assessment

It’s no secret that body fat likes to make itself at home on your tummy, thighs and bum. However people who predominantly carry fat around their middle (as opposed to elsewhere on their body) are more prone to health issues such as type 2 diabetes and heart problems.

Working out your risk level is simple, as all you need is a trusty tape measure and the instructions below. You can do this by yourself at home, and no one else needs to know your measurements!

Measure your waist

On one side of your body (rather than the front), measure halfway between your lowest rib and the top of your hipbone (iliac crest). This is roughly in line with your belly button. Stand up and breathe out when you do this. Make sure your tummy muscles are completely relaxed, let it all hang out!

For women:

Ideal: less than 80cm (32”).   
High: 80cm to 88cm (32” to 35”).
Very high: more than 88cm (35”).

For men:

Ideal: less than 94cm (37”).
High: 94cm to 102cm (37” to 40”).
Very high: more than 102cm (40”). 

Measure your hips

Next, measure your hips at their widest point, the bum (ie. where your buttocks protrude the greatest). It's important not to cheat and pull the tape tight when doing either of these measurements!

Your waist-to-hip ratio

Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. A ratio of 1.0 or more in men or 0.85 or more in women indicates that you are carrying too much weight around your middle. This puts you at increased risk of diseases that are linked to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Focus on improvement

Anyone who is carrying excess weight, regardless of where on the body, would benefit from adopting a healthier lifestyle. Set some realistic weight loss goals, and focus on improving your measurements, rather than dwelling on what your “norm” should be.

You only have one body, so look after it!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

The 10 Commandments of Healthy Eating & Weight Loss

Gain control of your diet and weight by following these 10 wise rules.

Thou shalt…

  1. Fuel up frequently. Eat a little and often, and you’ll give your body a constant supply of energy which will help you to avoid cravings.
  2. Think before you eat. Consider why you want to eat something. Is it because you’re hungry? Or because you’re stressed, bored, lonely, angry or depressed? If it’s not hunger, will that sugary indulgence actually solve the problem, or just make you feel worse?
  3. Avoid food shopping on autopilot. Stop repeating your bad habits week after week. Buy something healthy that you’ve never tried before, or flick through a recipe book for inspiration. A varied and interesting diet will help to satisfy the appetite better and is more nutritious. Aim to try a new healthy food or dish every week.
  4. Never buy “foods you can pick at”, such as crisps, chocolates and peanuts. Once the packet has been opened it’ll be hard to stop, so best not having them in the house at all. It’s a slippery slope!
  5. Take control. Prepare your own foods rather than eating out or buying take-aways and pre-prepared foods.  Put yourself in charge of the ingredients list and portion sizes. Your salad may taste better with a thick dollop of mayonnaise, but do you really need it? Is it more important for you to reach your weight loss goal, or have a salad that tastes marginally better?
  6. Opt for wholegrain foods.  We digest them slowly, so they’ll make you feel fuller for longer. Look for wholegrain bread, pasta, breakfast cereals and brown rice.
  7. Steer clear of foods with a lot of added sugar.  Watch out for words, such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose, hydrolysed starch and invert sugar, corn syrup and honey on the ingredients list. If you see one of these near the top (they always start with the biggest ingredient first), you know the food is likely to be high in added sugars.
  8. Give a very wide berth to high fat foods. Again, check the ingredients list. High is more than 20g of fat per 100g, and low is 3g of fat or less per 100g.
  9. Under no circumstances be a plate cleaner! Think about how much food you are consuming in each sitting. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not stuffed. Eat slowly, your fork is not a shovel. Your brain doesn’t start signalling feelings of fullness until 20 minutes after it actually is, so take your time and give your body the chance to recognise that you’ve had enough to eat.
  10. Limit your alcohol intake. Not only is it highly calorific, but it also reduces your will power and ability to say no to alluring fatty foods. You also maybe a little less angelic with your food choices the morning after!

Good luck and remember that you're allowed to break the rules every now and then. Just put yourself back on track as quickly as you can, and don't make a habit of it!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

These Feet Were Made For Walking!

I’ve recently come across a brilliant website called www.walkit.com, the urban walking route planner.  Type in your starting and finishing point, and it’ll provide you with a map and detailed walking route description. You can choose either the most direct way, or a route that avoids pollution and busy areas. It’ll also tell you the distance, how long the walk will take, how many hills you’ll have to climb and how many calories you’ll burn.

So dump the car, put on a pair of comfy shoes and head out of the door. Walking has countless health benefits, it’s free, you don’t need any equipment, and you already know how to do it!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Forget Credit, You're the One who Should be Crunching this Summer!

Summer holidays are a time to relax and take a break from life's stresses. However, you're also likely to be treating yourself to a few extra deserts, drinks and ice creams, so it's important to try and fit in a bit of activity too. Whether it's doing a few crunches in your hotel room, or swimming a few lengths in the pool, every little bit counts. Here's some more ideas to help you keep in shape.

Release your Inner Child

If you’re on holiday with children, invent challenges that get everybody moving around. Make up ball games, races and time trials (who can build the biggest sun-castle in 1 minute?). Not only entertaining, these games are great for burning calories and improving agility and co-ordination.

The local playground can also be a hidden workout zone for you. Pushing your kids on the swings will work your upper body, especially your shoulders and tricep muscles. If no-ones watching (and it looks sturdy enough!), see how many chin-ups you can do on the climbing frame.

Waves Were Surely Designed to be Surfed or Jumped!

Battling with the sea’s natural resistance, your body will be challenged in ways that a gym session won’t come close to. Half an hour of aquatic fooling around will burn loads of calories and strengthen both your leg and core muscles.

Why not take the plunge and try out some of the local watersports? Not only great fun, it’ll work muscles you didn’t know you had, especially in your core area.

If you you’ve got the use of a pool, don’t just lie around on the sun-lounger, swimming is a great all round exercise that uses every major muscle group.  Challenge yourself to see how many lengths can you do in 30 minutes. Then try and beat it the following day.

Become the Holiday Gopher

Burn a few extra calories by carrying the luggage, getting the drinks from the bar (even if it isn’t your round), heading off for ice creams and running back before they melt!

Beach Bum Basics

Walking and running on sand is great for toning the legs and bum. A sandy and slightly unstable surface will  improve the strength in your ankles and calf muscles. Your core will also have to work extra hard too. Just build it up slowly, so that you don’t get injured.

I hope you have a lovely summer, and don’t forget to pack the trainers!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Deflating that spare tyre!

How to get rid of that bulging waistline

Performing hundreds of sit-ups maybe great for developing a six-pack, however most of us need to concentrate on reducing that not-so-attractive layer of fat top first.

It’s not just about the way you look that’s important. If you tend to store fat around your middle you have a greater risk of developing conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Just how big is too big?

The British Heart Foundation says that you have a greater risk to your health if your waistline is larger than 94cm (37”) for men or 80cm (32”) for women.

You need to measure around the bit that is mid-way between your hip bone and the bottom of your ribs (don't cheat by holding your tummy in, let everything hang out!)

How to loose a pound of fat

The best way to get your waistline back is by eating a healthy, low fat diet plus lots of regular exercise.  Basically you need to burn off more than you put in.

To quantify this, one pound of stored body fat equals 3500 calories.

Put another way, if you create a 3500 calorie deficit in a week through diet, exercise or a combination of both, you will lose one pound. That might sound a lot, but over a week, it amounts to just 500 calories a day.

The best way to do this is to increase your activity levels so that you are burning an extra 250 calories, and decrease your food intake so that you are consuming 250 calories less a day.

How to burn 250 calories

This will depend on your age, sex, weight and metabolism, as well as how intensely you exercise, but here are a few examples of what it takes to burn around 250 calories:

  • A 10 stone person running moderately hard for 20 minutes
  • A 12 stone person moderately cycling for 30 minutes
  • A 14 stone person walking fast for 35 minutes (not necessarily all in one go).

It's often difficult to fit in structured exercise into a busy lifestyle especially if you work long hours and have a family. Here's a few things you can do to help to knock off a few calories each week:

  • Take the stairs rather than the lift (up as well as down!)
  • Walk or cycle to work or the station
  • Walk to a sandwich shop at lunchtime that’s further away than your regular one
  • Stand on the bus/train instead of sitting down
  • When you get home from work, play with your kids on the floor rather than slumping in a chair
  • Go out for a bike ride, football in the park or kite flying with your kids at weekends

How to consume 250 calories less a day

The following are easy things to cut out of your diet that are around 250 calories each (some are a hell of a lot more!):

  • High calorie breakfasts: 1 Danish pastry, 1 muffin (American-style), 2 small croissants or 1 Starbucks Grande latte made with whole milk
  • Meals extras: Half a naan bread, 1 small potion of chips, 1 large dollop of mayonnaise or a large spring roll
  • Snacks and puddings: 1 piece of cake, 1 chocolate bar, 2 small portions of cheese, 1 portion of ice cream
  • Alcohol: 1.5 pints of lager or 1.5 large glasses (250 ml) of wine

Every little bit helps!

If this all sounds too much, just think that doing more than you are doing now is a step in the right direction.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.