FitFlops – Does My Bum Look Small In These? | HA Fitness

FitFlops – Does My Bum Look Small In These?

FitFlops are everywhere this summer. From brown to bling, this season’s new range seems to appeal to most tastes, and now even men and kids can join in the craze.

I’ve been flipping and flopping around in mine for about 2 months now, and apart from some sore spots where they initially rubbed, I really love wearing them. 

However, I’m a little curious about their claimed fitness benefits. Marketed as "the flip flop with the gym built in", and that you can “get a workout while you walk”, it all sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?  By the end of this summer, will we all be proudly showing off our trim and toned supermodel-like legs, without even breaking into a sweat…I wonder?

So how are they supposed to work? FitFlop soles have special "microwobbleboard technology" which creates instability in the shoe.  This works in a similar way to walking barefoot on the beach in that your legs and bum have to work harder to stabilize the body. This strengthens the legs in a similar way to using an unstable surface, like a wobbleboard. You’re basically wobbling your way to leaner legs and a smaller bum!

So yes, they do work your legs, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s similar to a gym workout, and as you’re unlikely to break into a sweat, you’re not going to be burning much fat either. I’ve walked literally miles in mine, and haven’t noticed a difference yet.

Although I can’t help feeling that the FitFlop idea is a first-class marketing gimmick to convince us into buying some expensive flip flops, I can also see that there are some great benefits to wearing them. The cushioned sole gives you a real bounce in your step, which is great for shock absorption. They’re also very supportive and extremely comfortable to wear.

So if you’re thinking of digging out those really short shorts this summer, you may want to do a little more than just walking around the shops in your FitFlops.

All in all, I’m not convinced FitFlops are a miraculous way of getting a fab body, but they’re a great alternative to the regular flip flop. However if those short shorts are still calling you, then invest in a good pair of trainers, and head out for a fat burning run, followed by some good old-fashioned squats and lunges!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.