Let's Dance! | HA Fitness

Let's Dance!

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain!

So come dance in the rain/snow with us!

We know it's cold, we know it's hard. But we also know it's worth it. Join us in the park & we'll keep you warm, we'll put a smile on your face & we'll get you fit (did you know you burn more calories when it's cold?).

It will get warmer, but why wait? We have just as much fitness fun all year around. So get your trainers, hat & gloves & stick 2 fingers up to this deep freeze!

Bring A Friend For Free In April!

When times are tough, a friend is the best person to turn to (and also cuddle when it's cold!). So for the month of April, you can bring a friend to any of our Fit In The Park classes for free! They can come to as many classes as they like, as long as they are with you, & you have a current HA fitness Class Pass.

We're hoping this will encourage you not to miss a class & will also motivate your friend to get fit & enjoy all of the training you do.

Here are the terms of this offer:

  • Valid for the month of April 2013 only.
  • It's only for our Fit In The Park classes (sorry we can't extend it to Buggyfit).
  • Free classes are not valid for anyone who has already attended an HA fitness class (prior to this promotion).
  • Friends who come for free, must be with a person who holds a current HA fitness Class Pass.
  • It is only valid for one friend per Class Pass holder.

If your spirits are flagging with this unending Winter, our trainer Kate, shares a few useful facts & tips to help inspire & motivate: Exercise The Mind As Well As The Body.

Easter Timetable:

Easter has us skipping, hopping & jumping into British Summer Time when the clocks going forward on Sunday. This officially marks the time to get your body ready for summer!

Here's a reminder of what's happening with our timetable. Don't forget, your HA fitness class pass can be used at any of these sessions:

Fit In The Park - Family friendly:

Mon: 7.15pm, Holy Trinity School Hall (No class on Easter Monday)
Tue: 9.15am, South Park Gardens
Thu: 6.15am, South Park Gardens
Fri: 9.30am, South Park Gardens (No class on Easter Friday)
Sat: 9.00am, South Park Gardens (There is a class on Easter Saturday!)

Fit In The Park - Women only:

6.15am: Mon (No class on Easter Monday)
6.15am Wed
7.00pm Thurs
6.15am Fri (No class on Easter Friday)
9.00am Sat (There is a class on Easter Saturday!)

Buggyfit - Postnatal:

Mon: 9.30am, South Park Gardens (No class on Easter Monday)
Tues: 10.45am, Wimbledon Common
Wed: 9.30am, Wimbledon Park
Thurs: 9.30am, South Park Gardens
Thurs: 11.00am, Wimbledon Park
Fri: 10.30am, Wimbledon Common (No class on Easter Friday)

Happy Easter!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.