Can you squeeze in one more? | HA Fitness

Can you squeeze in one more?

The schools are back & we're already counting how many sleeps until the summer holidays. Now's the time to do that final push for the summer. Whether you want to turn those bingo wings into sculpted pieces of art, or convert the spare tyre into something that more resembles a washboard, the best thing you can do right now is to train hard & eat well.

Have a look at our timetable below. Can you squeeze in one more session a week? Just until the summer?

Try & come along to one of our evening classes after work. It's lovely at that time of day in the park at the moment. Take advantage of the long evenings while you can & join us on:

Mondays: 7.15pm, South Park Gardens - meet in the middle of the park
Thursdays: 7.00pm, Wimbledon Park - meet near the Revelstoke Road entrance.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.