It's time... | HA Fitness

It's time...

With the schools back, it's time to throw that "I just don't have the time" excuse out of the window. It's time to banish those extra pounds you put on over the summer months. It's time to meet us in the park & work hard. We're ready for you!

Want to have your say as to what goes on in our classes? Head over to our facebook page & share your ideas. We're currently taking votes on what happens at this Thursday's Buggyfit class with Kate!

The HA Team spent last week being ice bucketed, getting set for school & planning some tough workouts for you. As many of you know, we've also been discussing our timetable, looking to make improvements where we can (we'll be announcing the changes in the next few days). If you have any feedback, do get in touch.

Need A Bit Of A Push?

Why not book a one-off training boost with one of our Team at a reduced off-peak rate? We have a few day-time slots available this week. Get in touch today & we'll kick-start your training. Don't put it off for another day!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.