Netwalking On Wimbledon Common | HA Fitness

Netwalking On Wimbledon Common

NetWalking on Wimbledon Common

Have time to talk business whilst getting fit. We’ll walk across Wimbledon Common with the occasional stop for a spot of strength training. You can chat to other business people or fire questions at me about exercise & fitness. There will be no set agenda. Just informal networking, fitness & fun.

When: Thursday 28 April 9.30 to 10.45am

Where: Meet and finish at the Windmill café. Great if you want to catch up for a coffee before or after the session. There’s a free carpark & toilets. Full directions & details about the meeting point here.

Who: All levels welcome.  This is a very inclusive & friendly group.  We warmly welcome & support anyone who may feel slightly intimidated or scared about joining an exercise class.  This isn’t bootcamp!

Why: You’ll come away feeling healthy, inspired & energised!

How much: Just £5 which will be donated to the Starfish Charity

What to wear on your feet: Trainers or walking boots. Wellies will be OK if you’re used to walking in them.

What to wear on your legs: Tracksuit bottoms, walking trousers, running tights, leggings etc.

What to wear on your top: Ideally a sports bra (for ladies) underneath a couple of tops. It’s good to have a few layers so that you can take things off as you warm up. A waterproof jacket or coat will be good too.

Anything else: In this weather, you probably won’t need to carry water with you, but having either a drink in your car or money for the café afterwards would be a good idea.

Sign up: Just drop us a line to book your place. Then bring a fiver along on the day!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.