Thinking about a Guiness?! | HA Fitness

Thinking about a Guiness?!

Happy St Patrick's Day!

It's St Patrick's Day today, and that can only mean one thing. Guinness tonight and it's Mother's Day next weekend!

Is Guinness really good for you? Well, a few years ago I wrote this little article about how much iron it contains and how far you have to run to burn-off the calories in one pint. Read it and you might thing twice about having some of the black stuff!

On to Mother's Day. I think we can all agree that a healthy mum is a happy mum. And everyone in the house benefits if mum is in a good mood. So why not buy her one of our Gift Vouchers for Mother's Day? Or book that amazing woman in your life onto one of our BootCamps or courses (see below).

If you have a new baby in your house (or you know someone that does) we're celebrating Mother's Day by offering Free Trials at all of our Wimbledon Buggyfit classes throughout March. Head over to our blog for all the details.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.