SkiFit BootCamp - Starts Tomorrow!
Get yourself ski-Fit prior to your holiday to ensure you get the most out of your trip, reduce your risk of injury and be more confident on the slopes.
Our Ski-Fit Boot Camp will help you to:
- Strengthen your whole body, with particular focus on the legs and core
- Improve your muscular endurance and stamina
- Sharpen your balance and agility
- Build your aerobic fitness
This is a progressive 5-week course, with each session building on what we worked on the previous week.
- Time: 6.15 - 7.00am
- Place: South Park Gardens
- Dates: Every Tuesday morning from the 9th January through to the 6th February 2018
- Cost: £45 for the 5 sessions (if you miss a session, you're welcome to make it up at one of our regular Fit In The Park classes).
There are limited spaces available, so book your place now!
Posted by Heather Waghorn.