Drop-In Sessions | HA Fitness

Drop-In Sessions

Did you know that you can drop-in to any of our Fit In The Park and Buggyfit classes without purchasing one of our passes?

Our drop-in rate for these sessions is just £10, giving you complete flexibility to train when and where you like. You can either bring cash on the day, or purchase online via paypal.

But if you'd like to commit to your training and save a bit of cash at the same time, our HA fitness class passes are very reasonably priced:

10-class pass: £75.00 - Ideal for 1 class a week.

20-class pass: £130.00 - At £6.50 a session, this is perfect if you're doing 2 or more classes a week.

Both the 10 and 20 class passes last for 12 weeks, and the expiry starts from the date of your first class.

Head over to our Purchase page to buy your pass or drop-in today!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.