Coronavirus (COVID-19) And Outdoor Exercise | HA Fitness

Coronavirus (COVID-19) And Outdoor Exercise

OK, let’s talk about COVID-19 (do we ever talk about anything else at the moment?!).

First of all, I know that we have lots of health professionals as clients, who are far more knowledgable than I am. I also know that there’ll be lots of data nerds out there who’ll be able to out-quote me on all of the facts. I am by no means an expert.

However, I’d like to reassure you that the health and wellbeing of our HA fitness community are our priority.

I strongly believe that our immune systems can be boosted by living a healthy lifestyle. By that, I mean eating nutritious foods, reducing stress and enjoying exercise.

So do keep joining us in the park for some stress busting fitness fun. I have always said that exercising outside exposes you to far less germs than being in a gym.

Here’s what we're doing at HA fitness:

As Instructors, we’ll be washing our hands as often as possible (if we can get hold of alcoholic gel, we’ll use it). We’ll refrain from hands on exercise correction and handling babies or children. We won’t ask you to do any partner work where you have close contact with each other.

We’ll reduce the amount of equipment we use to a minimum. As we’re working outside all day, it’s difficult for us to sterilise our mats. However, please do feel free to bring your own mat or towel.

Here’s what we advise you to do:

Wash your hands before and after each class, and if you’re using your own mat, give that a clean too. Wave and smile at each other, rather than hugs and kisses. Eat well, get lots of activity and plenty of sleep to strengthen your immunity and build up your own personal defence systems.

Obviously, don’t come to class if you’re sick or believe you have come into contact with the coronavirus.

We hope to keep our full timetable running during this period, whist taking all of the appropriate precautions.

If you have either any concerns or helpful suggestions, please do drop us a line. Let’s focus on a united HA fitness effort to stay healthy.

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.