Happy New Year! | HA Fitness

Happy New Year!

Hopefully you're all settling into your new post-Christmas routine OK?

Life continues to be full of unexpected challenges, but you really don't need me to remind you of that. From a health, fitness and wellbeing point of view, if you've been exercising and eating healthily for most of the time, then give yourself a pat on the back and keep it up!

If you've gone slightly off track and want to get back into it, then don't focus on the past. Look forward to the fact that you're making a positive change now, and build on that. Your positive focus and actions will build momentum and enthusiasm. And of course, if we can support you in any of this, we will.

Our Zoom timetable continues to be very popular, with 13 classes a week, 5 different instructors and lots of variation. All for just £12 a week or £44 a month. If you've not signed up yet, drop me a line and we can organise a free week of classes for you to trial.

Finally, a big thanks to all of our clients for the encouraging feedback and all of the little thank you messages that appear randomly in my inbox!

Stay safe, healthy and fit,

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.