Comrades Marathon - Sponsor Heather! | HA Fitness

Comrades Marathon - Sponsor Heather!

On 29th May, I'll be in South Africa running the world's largest & oldest ultra-marathon. The challenge is to run 90K/56 miles in under 12 hours. It's hilly, it's hot & it's the hardest thing I've ever done. 

As I'm only going to do this once (probably), I've decided to raise money for charity.  I've chosen Starfish, an official Comrades Marathon Charity, who care for vulnerable children affected by HIV & poverty in South Africa.

If you'd like to sponsor me, please head over to my Race4Charity page. You'll notice that the payments are made in Rand, this means that the charity doesn't have to pay conversion fees. If you prefer, you can do a direct bank transfer to Starfish (it can still go under my name) or pop some cash in my hand & I'll add it to my fundraising pot.

For a quick conversion, ZAR200 is about £9.60. Any amount you can give will be really appreciated.

You can follow the highs & lows of running journey so far on Instagram (hafitness).

Thank you so much!


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Posted by Heather Waghorn.