1 Day Running Bootcamp: Drills and Skills | HA Fitness

1 Day Running Bootcamp: Drills and Skills

Need some motivation to run? Want to improve your speed? Want to improve your efficiency? Want to stay injury free?

We're running a 75 minute Running Bootcamp in Wimbledon Park this Saturday at 9am. This session is suitable for intermediate runners who are training to do distances between 10K & the marathon. It maybe your first time at this distance, or you maybe looking to improve a previous time.

  • What: Running Bootcamp
  • Date: Saturday 31 January 2015
  • Time: 9:00 am to 10:15 am
  • Location: Wimbledon Park

  • Cost: £10

We are keeping numbers small, so that you'll all get personal attention & focus.

Our Trainer, Claire, ran a personal best at the London Marathon last year at 2hrs 45 minutes & was 6th non-elite woman across the finish line. But don't feel intimidated by her swiftness, Claire is brilliant at helping all levels of runners from beginners through to advanced.

Claire's not only a formidable runner, she's an amazing Personal Trainer & Running Coach. She'll first observe & evaluate your running & then work with you to improve your efficiency & speed. Not only will this help you to become a better runner, it'll also reduce your chances of getting injured.

Tempted to join in?  Head over to our Bootcamps page where you can book now via paypal , or get in touch to find out more.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.