Wet weather workouts

Grab your coat, it’s time to embrace the rain!

With all of this wet weather, it’s so tempting just to snuggle up on the sofa right now. But the rain gives us so many health and wellbeing benefits, which you just don’t get on sunny days.

⛱ The air feels fresher, cleaner and has an earthy scent to it (petrichor). Perfect for taking in some deep, dramatic breaths – just like being in a shampoo commercial!

⛱ The rhythmic pitter pater of raindrops is a natural stress reliever. Step outside for a while to escape your screens and get a fresh perspective on things.

⛱ You’ll feel more alive and have more energy. It might seem unappealing at first. But when you return home from a wet walk or workout, you’ll feel far more productive than if you had stayed inside.

⛱ You'll potentially burn more calories, as you often move quicker and push yourself harder in the rain. Plus, the extra challenge of navigating wet pavements and slippery mud, forces you to engage your core and test your balance!

Whether it’s splashing in puddles or enjoying the vibrant sights and sounds, we should all be making the most out of a rainy day like today.

So, let’s go out and enjoy that liquid sunshine!

Wet weather workouts
Posted by Heather Waghorn.