cross training — News | HA Fitness

cross training

Fair weather exerciser?

Want to come in from the rain?

Then train inside with us every
Monday night at Holy Trinity School, Wimbledon at 7.15pm.

Outdoor training...indoors

Enjoy a challenging hour of creative cross training, combining cardio, static and mat-based exercises.

If you want those fashionably toned arms for the summer, you must join us on Monday nights! These classes are becoming known as ‘Monday’s Arms’ with some impressively sculpted upper bodies on display from our regulars.
With fresh exercises each week ranging from ‘spider man’ & ‘side laying superman’ to ‘grizzly bears’, our indoor class will test your fitness to new levels. What are we on about? Join us on Monday night to find out!
Get down & not dirty with us!

When: 7.15pm every Monday
Where: We're in the Front Hall at Holy Trinity Primary School, Wimbledon. Situated on Effra Road, the school is just 2 minutes walk from South Park Gardens.  The French windows are opened at the front of the school, which leads you straight into the hall.

Who: As with all of our classes, complete beginners, trained athletes & everyone in between are all welcome. We'll give you lots of different options so that you can workout at your own level.

No need to pre-book. Just turn up with your HA fitness pass, cash or cheque!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.