evening — News | HA Fitness


Squirt On Some Bug Spray

If you come to any of our early morning or evening classes, the bugs are out in force at the moment. Key times are dusk and dawn. Please remember to put bug spray on, or if you forget, ask one of our team as they've probably got some in their bag.

My personal favorite at the moment is Incognito. It's 100% natural, doesn't contain deet & smells quite nice. I think it actually works better than the deet versions. The bugs literally just don't come anywhere near you. It also says it's safe for pregnant women & babies over 3 months. You can buy it direct from their website, at Waitrose and Holland & Barrett. And, of course, Amazon sell it too!



Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Monday Nights Are Back In South Park Gardens!

It was fantastic to see so many of you join us on Monday night in South Park Gardens!

Fit In The Park on a Monday night is a great way to start the week. We mix up cardio with strength training, burn calories, tone-up, boost energy levels & have fun!

So get those trainers on & join us at 7.30pm on Monday for a challenging outdoor workout. No need to book, just turn up.

If you can't make on Monday, check out our timetable to find another class that suits you.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.