train in the rain

Bring it on!


Give me a rainy day anytime! It's part of the thrill of outdoor training.

Admittedly, you have to dig deep & toughen up a bit. But once you get out the door, & put one foot in front of the other, you stop noticing the rain & start enjoying the challenge.

During our classes & personal training sessions, we try to keep you as snug as possible. We'll find a big tree to shelter under. We'll keep you off the wet ground & we'll work you so hard you won't feel the cold or notice the rain!

You'll probably end up doing something a bit different too. Take a look at the email we received last month from a Buggyfit mum:

Hi Heather,
 I just wanted to tell you what a lovely class we had with Kate in South Park this morning. It was pouring with rain most of the time & there were only five of us. But, as ever, she was cheerful & upbeat. We had a great time with weight balls & the ladder thingy, which we don't normally do with the bigger classes. She is a great instructor.
 Best wishes,
 Daniella Horwitz

Still unsure? Here our Top Tips for when it's really lashing it down:

1) Protect your phone by putting it in a zip lock food bag.

2) Avoid cotton clothes, which just soak up the water. Go for something synthetic & moisture wicking.

3) Unless it's really, really cold, don't overdress in head-to-toe waterproofs. You'll just overheat & sweat a lot. A lightweight jacket is usually sufficient.

4) Dry your trainers out by removing the inner soles & stuffing the shoe with newspaper to soak up some of the moisture. Don't, whatever you do, put them on the radiator or in the oven. It just makes them smell & they'll never really be the same again.

5) Fearlessly splashing through puddles like a big kid is a great way of taking your mind off your workout!

So next time it looks like rain, put your trainers on, grab your waterproof & embrace the elements with us. We promise you'll be buzzing with achievement & smugness by the end of the session!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.