Heather's Fit Kit Drills | HA Fitness

Heather's Fit Kit Drills

These intense workouts combine TRX suspension training with the ViPR.

You'll use the TRX (long straps that hang from a tree or post) to add an extra challenge to your regular bodyweight exercises. Develop your strength, power & core stability whilst having a bit of suspended fun!

Take on the ViPR (not so humble weighted rubber tubes) & you'll be performing big dynamic movements that build core strength, sculpt the arms, legs & bum whilst burning a huge amount of calories.

Heather's sessions use both pieces of kit to create a unique all over body challenge. Limited to a small group, you’ll receive highly personalised attention & get maximum results for your time & effort.

Give us your drive & determination. We’ll give you sweat & smiles!

Where & When:

Sat 2nd Aug - 7.45am to 8.45am - South Park Gardens (fully booked)
Tue 5 Aug - 6.15am to 7.00am - South Park Gardens (fully booked)
Thu 14 Aug - 6.15am to 7.00am - Wimbledon Park (fully booked)
Tue 19 Aug - 6.15am to 7.00am - South Park Gardens
Tue 2 Sep - 6.15am to 7.00am - Wimbledon Park (new date)

Cost: £8.50 per class

Due to the kit involved, the class size will be limited, so make sure you get a place & book now.

As numbers are difficult for us to predict over the summer months, we're asking everyone to pre-book each session in advance. This will give us enough time to plan the sessions according to who is coming. Sorry, we won't be able to take payments on the day & class passes won't be valid. These sessions are non-transferable & non-refundable.
