Mats, Mats, Glorious Mats! | HA Fitness

Mats, Mats, Glorious Mats!

As a team, we spend hours cleaning & drying them. Our cars have a permanent damp mat smell. And although we don't mind too much, our loved ones aren't quite so impressed.

So, in an effort to improve family relations, we'll be asking you to bring your own mats to all of our Fit In The Park classes in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens from 7 October. We'll have spares if you forget, but please do try & remember.

You can buy them cheaply from Amazon, Argos & the big Sainsbury's, Tesco & Asda. Or ask one of our trainers if they have any old ones to sell on.

You really don't need anything flash, just something to throw down on the ground to protect you from the mud. Or you could always "go commando" & be mat free!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.