More, more, more | HA Fitness

More, more, more

We try really hard to get our class timetable to be just how you want it. Recently you've asked us for:

- More Fit Kit Sessions using different pieces of equipment like the ViPR & TRX: We've got one in Wimbledon Park next Thursday (see Fit Kit Drills to book).

- More BootCamps: Our 2 week HIIT BootCamp starts on Sat at 8am in South Park Gardens (book now as places are limited).

- Early morning sessions to finish at both 7.00am & 7.15am (there was a slight difference of opinion between our clients!): Now you can choose whether you leave at 7.00am or 7.15am (45 or 60 min sessions). See our timetable for a full list of dates & times.

- Class start times not to be delayed by latecomers: We're starting & finishing all of our classes on time now, so get the most out of your session & be there with us on time too. If you're running late, don't worry, we won't turn you away - although there maybe a few penalty burpees!

- Fitness Tests: We will be offering free fitness tests in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens. Dates to be posted on facebook & our website by the end of this week.

- 8am Saturday morning sessions in South Park Gardens: We start in October!

Why not head over to our facebook page & tell us what you'd like to see at our classes & how we can improve your timetable.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.