Fitness test — News | HA Fitness

Fitness test

HIIT in South Park Gardens, 7.45am this Saturday!

Come to our last HIIT session in South Park Gardens on Saturday at 7.45 - 8.30am.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is about getting your heart rate racing, your body sweating & your muscles burning. Fast-paced exercises will torch calories & boost your metabolism. Short, timed recovery periods will enable you to keep the intensity high whilst still maintaining form.

You can use your class passes at these sessions or do pay-as-you-go. If you'd like to do the double & come to the 9.00am session as well, we'll happily give you extra training for the 30 minutes in between the 2 sessions!

We meet near the Trinity Road entrance to the park. Wimbledon, SW London SW19 8QY.

We will be running our free fitness testing the following Saturday, 15 November so make sure you fit in as many sessions as you can before then!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

More, more, more

We try really hard to get our class timetable to be just how you want it. Recently you've asked us for:

- More Fit Kit Sessions using different pieces of equipment like the ViPR & TRX: We've got one in Wimbledon Park next Thursday (see Fit Kit Drills to book).

- More BootCamps: Our 2 week HIIT BootCamp starts on Sat at 8am in South Park Gardens (book now as places are limited).

- Early morning sessions to finish at both 7.00am & 7.15am (there was a slight difference of opinion between our clients!): Now you can choose whether you leave at 7.00am or 7.15am (45 or 60 min sessions). See our timetable for a full list of dates & times.

- Class start times not to be delayed by latecomers: We're starting & finishing all of our classes on time now, so get the most out of your session & be there with us on time too. If you're running late, don't worry, we won't turn you away - although there maybe a few penalty burpees!

- Fitness Tests: We will be offering free fitness tests in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens. Dates to be posted on facebook & our website by the end of this week.

- 8am Saturday morning sessions in South Park Gardens: We start in October!

Why not head over to our facebook page & tell us what you'd like to see at our classes & how we can improve your timetable.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.