Make It Happen! | HA Fitness

Make It Happen!

It's summer holiday time! If you're not going away over the next couple of weeks, make sure you join us in the park. We've got a full timetable for you, with only a couple of changes to our Wimbledon Park early sessions (see below).

All mums are welcome to our Buggyfit classes over the summer, including those with older children. Your little or big ones are welcome to play/sleep/eat/read nearby whilst you train (as always, your children remain your responsibility). Head over to our timetable for all the details.

If our daytime sessions don't work for you, why not join us at 6.15am? You can choose to finish at either 7.00am or 7.15am. When it's warm, there's no better time to exercise than in the cool early in the morning. Before work. Before the rest of the family are up. Before you've managed to think up all those excuses not to do it!

Here's the plan for Wimbledon Park early classes over the next couple of weeks. We hope to see lots of you there tomorrow morning! Come into the park via the Revelstoke Road entrance & you'll see us.

Wimbledon Park Early Classes Next Week...
Mon 1 Aug: 6.15am - 7.00/7.15am
Wed 3 Aug: 6.15am - 7.00/7.15am
Fri 5 Aug: No class
And The Following Week...
Mon 8 Aug: 6.15am - 7.00/7.15am
Wed 10 Aug: No class
Fri 12 Aug: 6.15am - 7.00/7.15am
All of our other Fit In The Park & Buggyfit sessions will be going ahead as normal over the next few weeks. You can buy your pass online & then pick it up at your next class.
Don't forget to apply suncream & squirt some bug spray on (especially for our early morning & evening sessions).
Happy Training,

Posted by Heather Waghorn.