Bank Holiday Opening Hours: Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens | HA Fitness

Bank Holiday Opening Hours: Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens

The HA team are all off doing exciting things over the August Bank Holiday weekend & we're guessing many of you are busy too. There will be no classes from Fri 26 Aug (tomorrow) to Mon 29 Aug inclusive.

However we've decided to put on a special one-off Tues evening class on 30 August in South Park Gardens. It'll be 7.30-8.30pm & everyone is welcome, including our Buggyfit mums & Wimbledon Park gang. Just bring your class passes or do pay-as-you-go (£9).

All of our other Fit In The Park & Buggyfit sessions will be going ahead as normal from Wednesday. Check out our timetable for the details.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.