Park or Zoom classes? Tell us what you think! | HA Fitness

Park or Zoom classes? Tell us what you think!

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I've been absolutely blown away by how many people have answered our survey about our Zoom and outdoor classes. Also how enthusiastic and supportive all of your messages have been. I literally have a tear in my eye. Thankyou!

I'll close the survey on Sunday night, so if you haven't done so already, here's the email and survey link:

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The question everyone has been asking me is “are you going to run classes in the park again?”...Shortly followed by “how will it work?”.... And also “will you continue with the Zoom sessions?”

My answer is usually some shade of the following: As a team we really enjoy running our Zoom sessions, and we’ve gained so much more time from not traveling to classes.

You, our lovely clients, have told us that you’ve really enjoyed our online timetable, and many of you are doing a lot more sessions than you were doing pre-lockdown!

So if everyone is happy, why bother going outside?

Well, venturing out to the park for a class gives you a break from your work and family environment. And there’s so much more space to move around. Not to mention the social side of being able to chat freely while you blaze through a set of squats and burpees.

In a perfect world, we'd have an extensive timetable, both on Zoom and in the park, for you to dip into each week. However, as I’m sure you can appreciate, we have to be realistic with our time and resources.

We’re aware that you’ll all have different preferences and one-size will not fit all. So, we’ve put together this short survey to help find out what you’d really like to see on the timetable. We can then use this to put together a plan of action.

It goes without saying that we’ll be observing all social distancing guidelines. And we’ll only train in groups outside when it is safe to do so.

Hope to see you on Zoom soon!

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.