lockdown training — News | HA Fitness

lockdown training

Nearly there....

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Thank you so much for all of your enthusiastic messages about when we'll be back out in the park again!

Our first session in South Park Gardens will be at 6.15am this Thursday, unless you hear otherwise from us. There are still a number of legislation issues that we're waiting for clarification on from our governing body (CIMPSA).

In the meantime, don't forget to sign-up and join our Zoom sessions (£12 for a week or £44 for the whole of December). You can purchase online here.

Kate will be getting everyone working up a sweat tomorrow at 9.00am, so make sure you join her in your living room/kitchen or garden. If you aren't receiving the Zoom links, drop me a line.

I'd like to thank the whole of the HA fitness community for your continued support during this pretty challenging year!

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Our live online timetable

Focusing on what we CAN do, rather than what we can't, here's our Zoom timetable for the rest of the week.

Kate is fired up and ready to train you in your living room, kitchen or garden at 9am tomorrow morning. Why not get your whole family involved!

Our Zoom sessions are just £12 a week. Or £44 for the rest of November. Every week you'll get unlimited access to:

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  • 8 HIIT/Bootcamp classes

  • 3 Stretch & Restore classes

  • 1 Cardio Pilates class

  • 1 Cardio Core class

  • 5 Amazing Personal Trainers.

You'll also be able to join our 28 Day Lock down Challenge (join us today and find out about my sleep confessions!). Our private HA Facebook group is also where we'll be saving a few workouts a week for you to do in your own time.

If you're new to our Zoom classes, you're very welcome to join us for a week for FREE. Just drop me a line to let me know.

If you'd like to sign-up, head over to our purchase page, or drop me a line for more info.

The HA team have got your back. We'll get through this together.

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

I'm doing this for me

With so much going on, there's all the more reason to ensure we look after our mental and physical health at the moment.So here’s my idea. A 28 day lock down challenge. Everyday you take time out to do something to boost your fitness. It could be an…

With so much going on, there's all the more reason to ensure we look after our mental and physical health at the moment.

So here’s my idea. A 28 day lock down challenge. Everyday you take time out to do something to boost your fitness. It could be anything from a run, walk, HIIT workout, Pilates class or stretch session.

Over in our private Facebook group, I’ll be sharing fitness inspiration ideas and hopefully make you smile over the next 28 days.

Each day I’ll give you a little nudge to help motivate you to be active. It won’t be full blown workouts (you can join us on Zoom for that!), just little prompts and activities to keep you inspired.

Along the way, there may well be awesome days, overwhelming days and exhausted days. But the idea is, everyday you’ll hopefully go to bed thinking, today I did something for me today.

Fancy joining us? Message us and I'll send you a link to the private group. You just need to be signed up to our Zoom sessions (either weekly or for the whole month) to have access.

Drop me a line if you have any questions.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Training online - further update

We’re still awaiting a full update from our governing body, however I can confirm tomorrow’s class at 6.15am will be on Zoom.

The HA team will be working extra hard over the next 4 weeks to connect, inspire and motivate you all in the best way we possibly can!

  • 5 highly qualified instructors

  • 13 live online classes a week

  • Everything from High Intensity HIIT, to Core, to Stretch and Restore.

  • £12 per week all inclusive. Or £44 for the rest of November.

Sign up on our website here!


We'll try our best to keep you both physically and mentally fit throughout lock down.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Training outside - fitness update

It's now looking pretty certain that we will no longer be outside from Thursday (although not 100% confirmed).

Time to sign-up for our Zoom live online timetable! Benefit from 5 very different highly qualified instructors running sessions live into you kitchen/living room throughout lock down.

13 classes a week. Monday through to Saturday. Early mornings, late mornings, lunchtimes and evenings. Everything from High Intensity HIIT, to Core to Stretch and Restore.

The timetable will be updated on our website later today. It will look the same, but will just have 6.15am on Thursday and 9.00am on Saturday included.

£12 per week all inclusive. Or £44 for the rest of November.

Sign up on our website here!


We'll try our best to keep you both physically and mentally fit throughout lock down.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Park or Zoom classes? Tell us what you think!

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I've been absolutely blown away by how many people have answered our survey about our Zoom and outdoor classes. Also how enthusiastic and supportive all of your messages have been. I literally have a tear in my eye. Thankyou!

I'll close the survey on Sunday night, so if you haven't done so already, here's the email and survey link:

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The question everyone has been asking me is “are you going to run classes in the park again?”...Shortly followed by “how will it work?”.... And also “will you continue with the Zoom sessions?”

My answer is usually some shade of the following: As a team we really enjoy running our Zoom sessions, and we’ve gained so much more time from not traveling to classes.

You, our lovely clients, have told us that you’ve really enjoyed our online timetable, and many of you are doing a lot more sessions than you were doing pre-lockdown!

So if everyone is happy, why bother going outside?

Well, venturing out to the park for a class gives you a break from your work and family environment. And there’s so much more space to move around. Not to mention the social side of being able to chat freely while you blaze through a set of squats and burpees.

In a perfect world, we'd have an extensive timetable, both on Zoom and in the park, for you to dip into each week. However, as I’m sure you can appreciate, we have to be realistic with our time and resources.

We’re aware that you’ll all have different preferences and one-size will not fit all. So, we’ve put together this short survey to help find out what you’d really like to see on the timetable. We can then use this to put together a plan of action.


It goes without saying that we’ll be observing all social distancing guidelines. And we’ll only train in groups outside when it is safe to do so.

Hope to see you on Zoom soon!

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Lockdown challenge - The 100

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Here's a little workout challenge to do at home.

The idea is, you take a break from work/family and do 20 press ups. Then take another break, later in the day and do 20 squats.

Your goal is to do 100 of each by the end of the day! Let us know how you get on...

Posted by Heather Waghorn.