teamwork — News | HA Fitness


Nearly there....

SPG grounds.jpg

Thank you so much for all of your enthusiastic messages about when we'll be back out in the park again!

Our first session in South Park Gardens will be at 6.15am this Thursday, unless you hear otherwise from us. There are still a number of legislation issues that we're waiting for clarification on from our governing body (CIMPSA).

In the meantime, don't forget to sign-up and join our Zoom sessions (£12 for a week or £44 for the whole of December). You can purchase online here.

Kate will be getting everyone working up a sweat tomorrow at 9.00am, so make sure you join her in your living room/kitchen or garden. If you aren't receiving the Zoom links, drop me a line.

I'd like to thank the whole of the HA fitness community for your continued support during this pretty challenging year!

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.