Kate Dorward — News | HA Fitness

Kate Dorward

Celebrate With Us This Saturday!

6 years ago, Kate joined me at HA fitness to help run the show while I was busy becoming a mum.

Kate rose to the challenge. She impressed my personal training clients with her tough workouts & wowed my Buggyfit mums with her knowledge. She was also a complete rock to me, being a mum of 2 herself, she was so supportive & full of help & advice.

When I was ready to come back to work, there was absolutely no way I was going to loose Kate. So we expanded our classes & shared the work between us.

Our reputation began to grow & we were asked to set up some outdoor fitness classes in South Park Gardens. Over a few glasses of wine, we decided to go for it. Kate got busy planning some tough sessions, whilst I paced the streets convincing people that Fit In The Park at 6.15am was actually a good idea!

Although Kate now lives in Kent, we're so lucky that she makes the journey to Wimbledon twice a week to run some amazing sessions for us, including her iconic Saturday 9am class.

So come celebrate with us this Saturday as we bring ALL of our kit into South Park Gardens for our 9am Fit In The Park session. We'll workout hard, have some fun & celebrate Kate's 6th year at HA fitness. All levels & abilities welcome.

Hope to see you all there,


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

How Fit Are You?

Meet us in South Park Gardens at 8.30am this Saturday & find out!

This 30 minute session will test your cardio, strength & flexibility levels.

It's FREE for everyone who goes onto do our 9am class. We'll tick your card or take payment as usual at Fit In The Park.

There will be a re-test on Saturday 15 November at 8.30am!

Spaces will be limited at the fit testing, so book your place now by emailing us with your details.

Wimbledon Park Fitness Testing Coming Soon!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Struggling To Find The Time To Exercise?

There's a small group of us who wake up early & meet in Wimbledon Park at 6.15am on a Mon, Wed & Fri. We're looking for a few more friends to join us on our early morning fitness adventures. We have the park to ourselves & it's wonderful to hear the birds sing while you train (much better than the din you get at the gym!).

We meet at the Revelstoke Road entrance to the park & there is free parking at that time in the morning. Each session lasts an hour, but if you need to head off to work, you're welcome to leave early (as long as you do a cool down at home).

So set your alarm for early & join us on Mon at 6.15am. You'll glow for the rest of the day!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Pop Over To Our New Facebook Page

Get up-to-the-min info on timetable changes, new dates for BootCamps, check out our photo albums & be inspired.

Give us your feedback on our sessions, chat to our trainers, catch up with other people at our classes & share your news.

If you'd like to be a part of it, simply head over to hafitnessltd & "like us"!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

No sessions on Good Friday & Easter Mon

As usual, the HA fitness team will be enjoying some family time over the Easter period. There will be no classes on Good Friday or Easter Monday.

However we will be running our Fit In The Park Classes in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens on Saturday 19th April.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Half Term - we don't stop!

All classes will be running as normal during the Feb half term. If you're busy during the day, why not try out our early morning sessions?

Wimbledon Park - Ladies only:

Mon: 6.15am
Wed: 6.15am
Fri: 6.15am

South Park Gardens - All

Thur: 6.15am

Happy Training!



Posted by Heather Waghorn.