Gemma Mossakowska — News | HA Fitness

Gemma Mossakowska

Want to get into shape for the summer? It's time to start working on it now...

Our 2 Thursday night 5-week BootCamps start tomorrow night & we've still got a few spaces left.

We're closing the bookings at 3pm tomorrow (Thursday), so don't hang around. Either book online, or drop us an email asap.

We've got fresh ideas & new moves for all those BootCampers who came last time, & we'd also love to welcome some new clients too.

Both BootCamps are progressive so you'll see yourself improving over the course. And if you can't make it to all 5 sessions, you can catch up at one of our Fit In The Park classes (just let us know before you come along.)

If the rain puts you off, these sessions are for you. We ditch the mud & the cold of the parks for 2 lovely indoor halls with heating, lighting & decent toilets!

Here are the details:

Body After Baby BootCamp (Not Just For New Mums)

Suitable for: Anyone who has had a baby in the last 3 years or so & would like to improve their bodyshape & confidence.
Time: 8pm - 9pm (60 mins)
Cost: £37.50 for the 5 sessions.

Summer Bodies Are Made In Spring BootCamp

Suitable for: Anyone who wants to work hard & see results!
Time: 8pm - 9.15pm (75 mins)
Cost: £40.00 for the 5 sessions.

Place: Holy Trinity School, Effra Road, Wimbledon, SW19 8PW. There is free parking on the roads nearby.
Dates: 24 April, 1 May, 8 May, 15 May, 22 May (Thursday nights)


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Pop Over To Our New Facebook Page

Get up-to-the-min info on timetable changes, new dates for BootCamps, check out our photo albums & be inspired.

Give us your feedback on our sessions, chat to our trainers, catch up with other people at our classes & share your news.

If you'd like to be a part of it, simply head over to hafitnessltd & "like us"!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

No sessions on Good Friday & Easter Mon

As usual, the HA fitness team will be enjoying some family time over the Easter period. There will be no classes on Good Friday or Easter Monday.

However we will be running our Fit In The Park Classes in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens on Saturday 19th April.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Half Term - we don't stop!

All classes will be running as normal during the Feb half term. If you're busy during the day, why not try out our early morning sessions?

Wimbledon Park - Ladies only:

Mon: 6.15am
Wed: 6.15am
Fri: 6.15am

South Park Gardens - All

Thur: 6.15am

Happy Training!



Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Body After Baby Bootcamp (Holy Trinity School Hall 2)

Re-discover your abdominals, improve your posture & have a tiny bit of YOU time.

Our 6-week progressive postnatal course focuses on those post-pregnancy problem areas including the tummy, glutes & pelvic floor. You'll also be doing some whole body conditioning to burn calories & start sculpting your body in time for the summer.

These indoor sessions are designed to compliment our Buggyfit classes. Without your little ones there to distract you, we can really concentrate on technique, body alignment & form. You'll also get the chance to workout hard, with no interruptions.

Throughout the course we'll help you to train at the correct intensity for your level, so that you can see improvements in your strength & stamina each week. We also hope to boost your motivation, energy levels & confidence too!

Here are the details:

- 8pm to 9pm every Thursday (6 week course)
- 27th Feb to 3 April 2014 inclusive
- Holy Trinity School Hall (2), Effra Road, Wimbledon, SW19 8PW
- £45 for 6 sessions

Go to our courses page for more info & to book.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Glute Camp - Get Your Rear Into Gear!

What is Glute Camp?

One 45 min early morning session teaching you how to fire up & activate your glutes. Come along & learn how to work your gluteal muscles without putting strain on your knees or bulking up your thighs.

When & Where?

Date: Tues 11th Feb 2014
Time: 6.15am to 7.00am (45 min)
Place: South Park Gardens, Wimbledon, London, SW19 8QW
Price: £7.50
Find out more & book now!  

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

We hope you're "running" up to Christmas with plenty of energy & enthusiasm?

If you're finding that life's getting too busy & exercise is dropping down in priority on your to-do list. Don't make excuses for why you can't train. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen. Energy levels, feeling positive about yourself & avoiding weight gain. Make sure you join us in the park this side of Christmas & you'll feel a lot better for it come the New Year!

Happy Training!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Knowing Me Knowing You - Spotlight on Gemma Mossakowska!


Gemma joined HA fitness a few months ago as a Personal Trainer. She's incredibly hard working & inspirational. She'd take an early morning training session & then head off to her day job as a solicitor. We're now so excited that she has decided to leave her city career behind so that she can do extra training for HA fitness & spend more time with her family.

We thought we'd share a bit more about Gemma with you here:

1) You've just done the big career change thing. What did you do before, and what made you jack it all in for a life in fitness?

I am a qualified solicitor and have worked in banking for almost 10 years in the City and Canary Wharf.  Since having my two girls I have been working part time.  As anyone can guess, having kids changes your life.  After returning to work the second time, I felt that working in the City wasn’t giving me the right work/life balance, and most importantly, the time with my kids I was craving.  I have been studying for my fitness qualifications for almost 2 years now and a wonderful opportunity came up with HA Fitness so I decided to finally bite the bullet and follow my heart. It has been hard to leave the City but I already know it's the best decision I have made in a while.

2) What made you choose being a trainer over other professions?

If I was going to leave a good job after 10 years it had to be for love!  I wanted to do something I was really passionate about. I have had the benefit of Personal Training in the past and know how motivational it can be.  I want to help people realise their fitness goals, whether it be post natal, pre ski season or just getting moving again.

3) You've juggled an intense career with a family and studying to become an instructor. How did you manage to do it all? Have you got any top tips?

A list. If I didn’t write everything down I would be a mess.  Regular exercise and a good night’s sleep help me feel prepared for a jam packed day – although the sleep isn’t always easy to get with young kids.  I make the most of any free time to study, squeezing in 30 minutes here and there, like on my train ride to work.  The fact that I am really interested in the subject makes it much easier to find some spare time. I am not a night owl so I would rather get up early to study than burn the midnight oil.

4) How did you get involved with HA fitness?

After my first daughter was born I started attending Buggyfit classes with HA fitness.  It wasn’t long until I was truly hooked.  I loved being outdoors and having an easy way to train whilst still being with my baby.  I met a very inspirational trainer (thanks Kate!) who gave me the idea of enrolling on a fitness instructor course.  I started studying and attended as many courses as I could whilst pregnant with my second.  Kate put me in touch with Heather while I was on maternity leave and I started taking classes this summer.

5) Tell us about your own fitness? What do you like doing yourself? Any tips on staying focused when you've got a huge amount of other stuff going on?

I really enjoy exercise, how it makes me feel emotionally as well as the affect on my body.  I love cycling (indoors and out) as well as running and aerobic classes such as Body Pump.  I have just entered my first Olympic style triathlon in the summer so I had better get my swimming up to scratch!

In terms of fitting it in: sometimes you have to be creative or willing to get up before the kids.  I just have to get up and do it – if I think about it too much I will always find a reason not to.  Finding a buddy to exercise with helps, you rarely stand a friend up.  I think sometimes you just have to say ‘yes’ then work out how to fit things in.

6) Who or what inspires you?

I don’t have a particular hero. I am inspired by normal people doing things that really challenge them. Of course I am impressed by athletes beating their PB but it is more inspiring for me to see the new mum getting out to a class despite the night of feeding behind her or the man who works long hours but still fits in training for his first marathon.

7) What do you do to relax?

My husband jokes that my hobby is hobbies: if it involves craft, I have probably tried it.  My current favourites are baking, crochet, sewing and reading – not that I have much time to spare.

8) Do you have any guilty pleasures? Chocolate? Cake?

All of the above! As a keen baker, there are often naughty treats lying around.  I think a treat here and there makes life worth living. I just have to remember that a treat shouldn’t be an everyday (or every meal) occurrence. This was a hard lesson to re-learn after being pregnant and breast feeding when hunger takes on a new meaning.

Gemma is available for Personal Training in Wimbledon & the surrounding SW London area. We think training with Gemma will get booked up really quickly, so contact us now to book in your sessions!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Welcome Gemma!

We're really pleased to welcome Gemma Mossakowska to the HA fitness team!

Gemma started coming to Wimbledon Buggyfit & doing some personal training with us 3 years ago after the birth of her first child. She loved it so much she decided to train up & join the team!

Gemma will be covering different classes over the summer, so hopefully you'll all get chance to train with her. She's brimming with fresh ideas & has lots of new moves to share!

You can read more about Gemma here.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.