burn — News | HA Fitness


Our Last Classes Of 2016!

We're running our Fit In The Park and Buggyfit classes right up until 23 December (check out our timetable for the details). We've then got our Mince Pie Burn-off sessions to keep you fit in between Christmas & the New Year!

Our last classes this year will be:

Fit In The Park:
Fri 23 Dec, 9.30am, South Park Gardens

Buggyfit postnatal:
Fri 23 Dec, 11.00am, Wimbledon Common

Wimbledon Park BootCamp:
Mon 12 Dec - Fri 23 Dec

We're giving a 1 week extension on all class passes over the Christmas period.

It's a Bank Holiday on Monday 2nd January we'll be back up & running with our regular timetable on 3 January.

As you all hopefully know by now, we've got a very flexible class pass system. You can either pay-as-you-go or save a bit of money & buy one of our class passes. Check out our payment page for all the details.

In the meantime, don't forget to book your place on our Mince Pie Burn-off sessions on 24 and 28 December.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.