Courses | HA Fitness

The Mince Pie Burn-Off!

Monday 29 December 2014:

8.00 - 9.00am, Wimbledon Park (Revelstoke Rd entrance)
9.30 - 10.30am, South Park Gardens (Trinity Rd entrance)

These challenging Christmasy sessions are suitable for all levels & abilities. Bring along your other-halves, family, friends & any other random people you might have staying with you.

Children are welcome to come & play nearby (they remain your responsibility as always).

We're not sure how many of you will be joining us, so we're asking everyone to book & pay in advance (sorry, your class passes & pay-as-you-go won't be valid).

Bookings for these sessions close at Midnight on Tuesday 23 December. That will give us time to plan some challenging fun for you!

The prices are as follows:

1 class £8.50
2 people (from the same household) £15.00

If we have to cancel the class due to low numbers or extreme weather conditions, we'll reimburse the full amount to your account. Otherwise, all payments are non-refundable & non-transferable.

Click on the link to pay by paypal. If you'd prefer to pay by bank transfer, cheque or cash please get in touch.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Heather x

Choose a class:

Run The Richmond Park 10K With Us!


At HA fitness we love being part of a team, we also love running! We want to share these passions & invite you all to join us on a team run.

We've chosen The Capital Runners Richmond Park 10k on Sun 14th Dec, 10am.

Running is one of the fastest ways to get fit & burn fat. It's also more fun with friends, so whether you're:

- a seasoned runner looking to improve your time

- someone who needs to reignite their love of running

- a casual runner who is looking to take running to the next step

- looking to focus your fitness regime during the pre-Christmas season

- new to running/entering events & don't know where to start

Sign-up for the Capital Runners Richmond Park 10k & then contact us to let us know. We'll support you by providing a training plan & advice when needed. We can also organise some training sessions, if you'd like us to. And of course we'll work you hard at all the usual classes to get you fit & race ready.

The HA team will taking part on the day, each of us assigned to run at different speeds so that we can motivate all of our runners around the course. We'll also team you up with other HA fitness friends who'll be running at a similar pace to you.

Sign-up costs £17 at the event website. All entrants get goodies & a medal at the finish line!

Once you've signed up, tell us about your experience & how fast you'd like to run it (don't worry if you're not sure yet).

So whether you're looking to complete it in under 35 minutes or over 65 minutes, run as part of the HA team & share the training, the race & the fun!

Heather's Fit Kit Drills - NEW SEPTEMBER DATES!

These intense workouts combine TRX suspension training with the ViPR.

You'll use the TRX (long straps that hang from a tree or post) to add an extra challenge to your regular bodyweight exercises. Develop your strength, power & core stability whilst having a bit of suspended fun!

Take on the ViPR (not so humble weighted rubber tubes) & you'll be performing big dynamic movements that build core strength, sculpt the arms, legs & bum whilst burning a huge amount of calories.

Heather's sessions use both pieces of kit to create a unique all over body challenge. Limited to a small group, you’ll receive highly personalised attention & get maximum results for your time & effort.

Give us your drive & determination. We’ll give you sweat & smiles!

Where & When:

Thu 2 Oct - 6.15am to 7.00am - Wimbledon Park, Revelstoke Rd entrance

Cost: £8.50 per class

Due to the kit involved, the class size will be limited, so make sure you get a place & book now.

August Bank Holiday Special

Monday 25 August 2014
South Park Gardens 

This fun session will be suitable for all levels, including our Buggyfit Mums. We'd love to see your husbands, wives, partners, family & friends there too. Children are welcome to come & play, although they remain your responsibility.

We're not sure how many of you will be joining us, & as our Trainer is giving up her time to run the session, we're asking everyone to book & pay in advance (sorry, your class passes won't be valid).

Bookings close at Midnight on Thursday 21 August so we can get busy & plan a fab session for you. If we don't get enough interest, we may have to cancel, so make sure you book up in time!

Cost: £7.50

August Bank Holiday Special

Monday 25 August 2014
South Park Gardens 

This fun session will be suitable for all levels, including our Buggyfit Mums. We'd love to see your husbands, wives, partners, family & friends there too. Children are welcome to come & play, although they remain your responsibility.

We're not sure how many of you will be joining us, & as our Trainer is giving up her time to run the session, we're asking everyone to book & pay in advance (sorry, your class passes won't be valid).

Bookings close at Midnight on Thursday 21 August so we can get busy & plan a fab session for you. If we don't get enough interest, we may have to cancel, so make sure you book up in time!

Cost: £7.50


Heather's Fit Kit Drills

These intense workouts combine TRX suspension training with the ViPR.

You'll use the TRX (long straps that hang from a tree or post) to add an extra challenge to your regular bodyweight exercises. Develop your strength, power & core stability whilst having a bit of suspended fun!

Take on the ViPR (not so humble weighted rubber tubes) & you'll be performing big dynamic movements that build core strength, sculpt the arms, legs & bum whilst burning a huge amount of calories.

Heather's sessions use both pieces of kit to create a unique all over body challenge. Limited to a small group, you’ll receive highly personalised attention & get maximum results for your time & effort.

Give us your drive & determination. We’ll give you sweat & smiles!

Where & When:

Sat 2nd Aug - 7.45am to 8.45am - South Park Gardens (fully booked)
Tue 5 Aug - 6.15am to 7.00am - South Park Gardens (fully booked)
Thu 14 Aug - 6.15am to 7.00am - Wimbledon Park (fully booked)
Tue 19 Aug - 6.15am to 7.00am - South Park Gardens
Tue 2 Sep - 6.15am to 7.00am - Wimbledon Park (new date)

Cost: £8.50 per class

Due to the kit involved, the class size will be limited, so make sure you get a place & book now.

As numbers are difficult for us to predict over the summer months, we're asking everyone to pre-book each session in advance. This will give us enough time to plan the sessions according to who is coming. Sorry, we won't be able to take payments on the day & class passes won't be valid. These sessions are non-transferable & non-refundable.


Kate's Bells & Balls Summertime Specials

Add a new dimension to your training this summer!

Kate is running 3 extra sessions for us in July & August. And she's bringing some fun kit with her!

Join her in South Park Gardens for the ultimate full body workout with Kettlebells, medicine balls & gym balls.

Explosive exercises will challenge all of your major muscles & burn fat. Functional moves will strengthen your core & get you in great shape for the beach.

Boost your regular training & try something different this summer.

Where: South Park Gardens, Wimbledon, London

Sat 19th July - 7.45am to 8.45am (fully booked)
Sat 9th Aug - 7.45am to 8.45am (fully booked)
Sat 16th Aug - 7.45am to 8.45am

Cost: £8.50 per class

The class size will be limited, so make sure you get a place & book now.

As numbers are difficult for us to predict over the summer months, we're asking everyone to pre-book each session in advance. Bookings will close at midnight on the Thursday before each class, to give us enough time to plan the sessions. Sorry, we won't be able to take payments on the day & class passes won't be valid. These sessions are non-transferable & non-refundable.

South Park Gardens HIIT BootCamp


Our HIIT BootCamp is back by popular demand in South Park Gardens, Wimbledon!

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is about getting your heart rate racing, your body sweating & your muscles burning. Fast-paced exercises will torch calories & boost your metabolism. Short, timed recovery periods will enable you to keep the intensity high whilst still maintaining form.

Our HIIT BootCamp involves 6 X 45min sessions over 2 weeks in South Park Gardens, Wimbledon:

Sat 27 Sep (8.00 - 8.45am)

Mon 29 Sep (6.15 - 7am)

Wed 1 Oct (6.15 - 7am)

Sat 4 Oct (8.00 - 8.45am)

Mon 6 Oct (6.15 - 7am)

Wed 8 Oct (6.15 - 7am)

If you can't make a class, we're happy if you want to make it up at one of our regular sessions.

Cost: £45 for the 6 sessions.

Book your place now - places are limited. Or get in touch to find out more.


South Park Gardens HIIT BootCamp

Our Wimbledon Park HIIT BootCamp was so popular, we've decided to do it all again in South Park Gardens!

Just about in time for the summer, we'll help you to lose weight, get fit & tone up fast.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is about getting your heart rate racing, your body sweating & your muscles burning. Fast-paced exercises will torch calories & boost your metabolism. Short, timed recovery periods will enable you to keep the intensity high whilst still maintaining form.

Our HIIT BootCamp involves 6 X 45min sessions over 2 weeks in South Park Gardens, Wimbledon:

Mon 23 Jun (6.15 - 7am)
Wed 25 Jun (6.15 - 7am)
Sat 28 Jun (8.00 - 8.45am)
Mon 30 Jun (6.15 - 7.00am)
Wed 2 Jul (6.15 - 7.00am)
Sat 5 Jul (8.00 -8.45am)

If you can't make a class, we're happy if you want to make it up at one of our regular sessions.

Cost: £45 for the 6 sessions.

Book your place now - places are limited. Or get in touch to find out more. 

Wimbledon Park HIIT BootCamp - Book Now!

Just in time for the summer, our Wimbledon Park HIIT BootCamp will help you to lose weight, get fit & tone up fast.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is about getting your heart rate racing, your body sweating & your muscles burning. Fast-paced exercises will torch calories & boost your metabolism. Short, timed recovery periods will enable you to keep the intensity high whilst still maintaining form.

Our HIIT BootCamp is a 6 day course in Wimbledon Park (Revelstoke Road entrance):

Tue 10 June (6.15 - 7.00am)
Thu 12 June (6.15 - 7.00am)
Sat 14 June (8.00 - 8.45am)
Tue 17 June (6.15 - 7.00am)
Thu 19 June (6.15 - 7.00am)
Sat 21 June (8.00 - 8.45am)

If you can't make a class, we're happy if you want to make it up at one of our regular sessions.

Cost: £45 for the 6 sessions.

Book your place now - places are limited. Or get in touch to find out more.

Beginners Outdoor Fitness Course

Location: Wimbledon Park (meet at the Revelstoke Road entrance)
6.15am to 7.00am
Wednesdays, 7 May to 28 May 2014 inclusive (4 week course)
Cost: £30

What Is It All About?

A 4-week course introducing people to exercising outside. We'll create a fun & safe environment where you can get to grips with outdoor fitness training. We'll give you lots of encouragement, teaching techniques & support.  You'll be sharing the experience with others who are new to fitness, supporting & motivating each other along the way.

Who Should Come Along?

Maybe you've...

  • Had a break from exercise & need some encouragement to get back into it again?
  • Not exercised since school & don't really know where to start?
  • Joined a gym but never get around to going?
  • Felt a bit embarrassed about your fitness levels & daunted about starting anything new?

Why Should You Join Us?


  • Improve your fitness & feel more confident about yourself
  • Enjoy exercising with no-onlookers (we have the park to ourselves at 6.15am!)
  • Have fun being part of a group of people who are in a similar place to you fitness-wise
  • Not feel pressured by military style bullying techniques!

Want To Find Out More?

If you'd like to chat about the course & find out if it's for you, please get in touch.


Drills, Hills & Skills: Running Bootcamp

Aimed at intermediate to advanced runners. Basically anyone who can comfortably run a 10K. The focus will be on improving your technique, strength, speed & endurance. It will have a similar style to our cross country course, but (probably) less mud.

Meet at 7.30am on Wimbledon Common on the following mornings:

Saturday 3 May Saturday 10 May Saturday 17 May

Each session will last 90 mins & will be with our experienced trainer, Claire Grima.

Cost: £27.00 for the 3 sessions. If you miss a morning, you can make up the session by coming to one of our regular Fit In The Park classes (just let us know in advance).

Book by paypal or drop us a line to find out more.

Bank Holiday Special - Late Bookings Now Accepted!

We know you hate to miss a workout, so we'll be running 2 special classes on Bank Holiday Monday (26th May) in South Park Gardens at 9.30am & 7.15pm.

Both classes are suitable for all levels, including our Buggyfit Mums. We'd love to see your husbands, wives, partners, family & friends there too. Children are welcome to come & play, although they remain your responsibility.

As it's a Bank Holiday, we're not sure how many of you will be joining us, so we're asking everyone to book & pay in advanceClass passes won't be valid.

Bookings will close at Midnight on Thursday 22 MayWe are now accepting late bookings, but to make it fair on those who have already paid, we are now asking for a £1 late booking surcharge. This gives our Trainers plenty of time to custom-plan their body blasting workouts to suit who will coming. We may also decide to cancel the class if we don't get enough interest, so make sure you book up in time!

Cost: £7.50 (+ £1.00 late booking surcharge) or if you're super keen & want to come to both morning & evening sessions, it's just £10 (+ £1.00 late booking surcharge)

Body After Baby Bootcamp (not just for new mums!)

Racey indoor circuits suitable for postnatal ladies. Get your tummy muscles back into shape, burn off some wobbly bits & get your body ready for the summer.

Aimed at anyone who has had a baby (in the last 3 years or so!) who wants to feel confident about their body again by improving core strength, posture & body shape.

These indoor sessions are designed to compliment our Buggyfit classes. Without your little ones there to distract you, we can really concentrate on technique, body alignment & form. You'll also get the chance to workout hard, with no little interruptions.

Throughout the course we'll help you to train at the correct intensity for your level, so that you can see improvements in your strength & stamina each week. We also hope to boost your motivation, energy levels & confidence too!

Meet at 8.00pm at Holy Trinity School Hall, Wimbledon on the following evenings: 

Thursday 24 April
Thursday 1 May
Thursday 8 May
Thursday 15 May
Thursday 22 May

Each session will last 1 hour & will be with our experienced trainer, Gemma.

Cost: £37.50 for the 5 sessions. If you miss an evening, you can make up the session by coming to one of our regular Fit In The Park classes (just let us know in advance).

Summer Bodies Are Made In Spring BootCamp

Power-packed strength training mixed up with calorie-crushing cardio. This BootCamp now lasts 75mins instead of an hour!

Our 5-week programme will strengthen & tone your whole body. You'll also be doing some creative cardio drills to blitz calories & make you sweat. This hybrid approach is designed to both tone-up you up & burn the fat.

These classes are aimed at anyone who wants to work hard (sorry, it's not suitable for those who have given birth in the last 6 months, but have a look at our Body After Baby Bootcamp).

Meet at 8.00pm at Holy Trinity School Hall, Wimbledon on the following evenings: 

Thursday 24 April
Thursday 1 May
Thursday 8 May
Thursday 15 May
Thursday 22 May

Each session will last 75mins!

Cost: £40.00 for the 5 sessions. If you miss an evening, you can make up the session by coming to one of our regular Fit In The Park classes (just let us know in advance).

Level 2: Abs Blast Bootcamp

This Bootcamp is now FULLY BOOKED. Don't worry though, we'll be putting more of these sessions on in the near future. Please get in touch to register your interest.

Power-packed abdominal strength training mixed up with calorie-crushing cardio.

Our 6-week conditioning programme will strengthen your abs, back & glutes. You'll also be doing some creative cardio drills to blitz calories & make you sweat. This hybrid approach is designed to both tone-up your abs & burn fat so that you can see & feel the results across your mid-section.

These indoor sessions are so much more than a regular abs class!

Who Should Come?

Anyone who wants to work hard! Sorry, it's not suitable for those who have given birth in the last 6 months, but have a look at our Body After Baby Bootcamp.

Dates & Times?

8pm - 9pm every Thursday (6 week course)
27th Feb to 3 April 2014 inclusive

Can't Make All 6 Sessions?

We'll happliy let you make-up a session at any of our regular Fit In The Park or Buggyfit Classes.


Holy Trinity School Hall, Effra Road, Wimbledon, SW19 8PW (It's a couple of mins from South Park Gardens & there's free parking on the road)

Please bring a mat if you have one, water to drink & a towel.

Book Now!

It's just £45 for 6 sessions.

Click below to book. Or drop us a line if you'd prefer another method of payment.

GLUTE CAMP - Get Your Rear Into Gear!

Glutes in orange shorts.jpg

What is Glute Camp?

One 45 min early morning session teaching you how to fire up & activate your glutes. Come along & learn how to work your gluteal muscles without putting strain on your knees or bulking up your thighs.

When & Where?

Date: Tues 11th Feb 2014

Time: 6.15am to 7.00am (45 min)

Place: South Park Gardens, Wimbledon, London, SW19 8QW

Who Should Come?

- Both men & women: Basically anyone who wants to avoid injury, especially to the back, hips & knees.

- Runners: Increase your power, particularly when running up hills.

- Skiers: Improve your strength, stability & endurance. 

- Mums: Improve your pelvic stability & the strength & suppleness of your pelvic floor.

- Skinny jeans wearers:  Sculpt your butt & wear your jeans with pride!

How Much?

£7.50 per person

Places are limited, so book your place now. Or contact us to find out more.

Level 1: Body After Baby Bootcamp (not just for new mums!)

This Bootcamp is now FULLY BOOKED. Don't worry though, we'll be putting more of these sessions on in the near future. Please get in touch to register your interest.

Aimed at anyone who has had a baby (in the last 3 years or so!) & who feels like their tummy muscles are not quite what they were once. Re-discover your abdominals, improve your posture & have a tiny bit of YOU time.

Our 6-week progressive course focuses on those problem areas including the tummy, glutes & pelvic floor. You'll also be doing some whole body conditioning to burn calories & start sculpting your body in time for the summer.

These indoor sessions are designed to compliment our Buggyfit classes. Without your little ones there to distract you, we can really concentrate on technique, body alignment & form. You'll also get the chance to workout hard, with no interruptions.

Throughout the course we'll help you to train at the correct intensity for your level, so that you can see improvements in your strength & stamina each week. We also hope to boost your motivation, energy levels & confidence too!

Who Should Come?

Ladies who want to feel good again by improving core strength, posture & body shape. This is suitable for all mums, especially postnatal ladies (you just need to have had your 6-10 week check-up).

Dates & Times?

8pm-9pm every Thursday (6 week course)
27th Feb to 3 April inclusive

Can't Make All 6 Sessions?

We'll happliy let you make-up a session at any of our regular Fit In The Park or Buggyfit Classes.


Holy Trinity School Hall, Effra Road, Wimbledon, SW19 8PW (It's a couple of mins from South Park Gardens & there's free parking on the road) 

Book Now!

It's just £45 for 6 sessions.

Please bring a mat if you have one, water to drink & a towel.

Click below to book via paypal. Or drop us a line if you'd prefer another method of payment.



Our Bootcamp week is now fully booked. Don't worry though, we'll be putting more of these sessions on in the near future. Please get in touch to register your interest.

13 - 17 January 2014
6.15am to 7.00am (45 mins, optional 60min on Thurs)
South Park Gardens, Wimbledon
Just £35!

Burn-off your Christmas excesses, supercharge your motivation & jump-start your energy levels.

Our HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Bootcamp is about getting your heart rate racing, your body sweating & your muscles burning. Fast-paced exercises will torch calories & boost your metabolism. Short, timed recovery periods will enable you to keep the intensity high whilst still maintaining form.

All we ask is that you give us everything you’ve got for just 45 minutes, everyday, for 5 days.

Book your place now! Or get in touch to find out more.


5-Week Cross Country Running Programme

Want to loose some of that inevitable Christmas weight gain? Want to develop your core & lower body strength? Want to become a better & more motivated runner? Want a drug-free, legal high?

Then join our 5-week Cross Country Running Programme. The final (optional) goal being Dash For The Splash, a10K off-road race taking place on Wimbledon Common on 16th February 2014. Our trainer, Dorchie Cockerell, is one of the race organisers, so we'd love to see lots of HA fitness trained bodies there. It's going to be wet, muddy & lots of fun!

When & Where Will The Training Take Place?

Our 5-week programme is designed to get you ready to race by 16th February. We're testing interest levels at the moment, so if these times don't suit, please get in touch.

(FULLY BOOKED) Saturday Group:  7.15am to 8.45am, Wimbledon Common.
11 Jan, 18 Jan, 25 Jan, 1 Feb, 8 Feb.

(CANCELLED) Wednesday Group: 9.45am to 11.15am, Wimbledon Common.
8 Jan, 15 Jan. 22 Jan, 29 Jan, 5 Feb.

(NEW DATES) Sunday Group: 8.00am to 9.30am, Wimbledon Common.
12 Jan, 19 Jan, 26 Jan, 2 Feb, 9 Feb.

If you can't make one week, you're welcome to join the other group (ie if you usually come on a Sunday you can join the Saturday session instead) or drop-in to one our regular Fit In The Park sessions.

Who Can Join The Running Programme?

Anyone who'd like to be transformed into an all weather, all terrain runner. If you think you might be too unfit (or too fit!) email us with your level & we can chat over the training with you. If you've come to any of our regular classes, you'll know that we love to train, motivate & encourage people of all levels & abilities.

If you'd like to take part in the training but don't want to do the race, that's also fine with us!

What's Involved In The Training?

Each 90-minute session will involve a warm up, training drills, strength training, a cool down & stretches. You'll get to run on different surfaces & gradients, & will go to parts of the Common you may not know even existed! You'll be motivated to work really hard & will also be given loads of practical advice & support.

How Much Is The Training Programme?

Just £45 for 5 week's of training (each session lasts 90 minutes), a running programme & email support (plus the chance to meet some great new running buddies!). You can join the Saturday or Wednesday group (or come to both at no extra cost!). You'll also get lots of encouragement on the day of the race!

Why not buy our Running Programme as a gift for someone? Get in touch about our gift vouchers. A great present idea with a difference!

What About The Race?

Taking part in the Dash For The Splash 10K race is optional but we really recommend you do! It costs £12 to enter & full details can be found here.

Who Is Taking The Training Course?

Our lovely trainer, Claire Grima (pictured above). She runs cross country for the Surrey league. She was the 3rd British woman in the Amsterdam marathon this year & 1st in her age group. In the London Marathon 2011, she was the 10th non-elite women. This year she was the 13th non-elite. I could go on, but you get my drift, Claire's pretty good at running! Don't let that put you off though, she's really experienced at training people of all ages, levels & abilities.

What Next?

Book your place online via paypal (see below) or get in touch if you prefer another method of payment.

Then tell us whether you'd like to train on a Sunday or Saturday & how experienced a runner you are.

We'll be planning the sessions around who is coming, so please book your place by 1st January 2014. Places are limited, so don't hang around!