TRX — Courses | HA Fitness


Heather's Fit Kit Drills - NEW SEPTEMBER DATES!

These intense workouts combine TRX suspension training with the ViPR.

You'll use the TRX (long straps that hang from a tree or post) to add an extra challenge to your regular bodyweight exercises. Develop your strength, power & core stability whilst having a bit of suspended fun!

Take on the ViPR (not so humble weighted rubber tubes) & you'll be performing big dynamic movements that build core strength, sculpt the arms, legs & bum whilst burning a huge amount of calories.

Heather's sessions use both pieces of kit to create a unique all over body challenge. Limited to a small group, you’ll receive highly personalised attention & get maximum results for your time & effort.

Give us your drive & determination. We’ll give you sweat & smiles!

Where & When:

Thu 2 Oct - 6.15am to 7.00am - Wimbledon Park, Revelstoke Rd entrance

Cost: £8.50 per class

Due to the kit involved, the class size will be limited, so make sure you get a place & book now.