tummy muscles — News | HA Fitness

tummy muscles

Stretch, Strengthen & Restore - 5 Week Course

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Using a wide range of yoga techniques, this course will help you to improve your flexibility, strengthen your muscles & relax your whole body.

No matter what kind of shape you're in, whether you're new to exercise, or train 7 days a week, these sessions will help you to discover more about your own body, enabling you to work on those weak spots & loosen-up those tight bits.

Let the transformation begin!


  • 7.45-9.00pm Tuesday evenings (Heather)

  • 6.15-7.00am Thursday mornings (Jane)
  • 19 September - 17 October 2017 (5 week course)



  • £15 drop-in. As we're in a studio, we have limited space, so please do book in advance.
Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Core & Pelvic Floor Seminar - Next Wednesday!

We recommend a lot of clients to see Megan at the APPI Clinic in Wimbledon Village.

She's a very knowledgeable Women's Health Specialist Physiotherapist who can provide expert help with ab separation & pelvic floor issues.

Megan's running a 90 min seminar next week on Wednesday afternoon & would love to see some of our Buggyfit mums there. It's only £5.

Click here to book online. Places are limited & we think this will be a very popular course!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.