wimbledon studio — News | HA Fitness

wimbledon studio

Using Your HA fitness Class Passes

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Any HA fitness class pass purchased in September/October can used at ALL of our timetabled classes includes Buggyfit, Fit In The Park and our studio sessions (the exception being Tuesday night yoga).

The passes are very reasonably priced:

  • 10-class pass: £75.00 - Ideal for 1 class a week.
  • 20-class pass: £130.00 - At £6.50 a session, this is perfect if you're doing 2 or more classes a week.

We also offer a drop-in rate for any of these sessions:

You can buy your passes online. If you're coming to one of our studio classes, please do drop us a line first to let us know you're coming.

Wimbledon Park News..

We've decided to make life simple. We are swapping our monthly pre-paid bootcamps for the HA fitness class pass system again. This starts from tomorrow!

Our HA fitness class passes are really flexible and can be used at any of our outdoor classes, or early morning studio sessions. Scroll up for all of the details!

Happy Training!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Early Morning Cardio Blast Classes

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6.15-7.00am - Monday mornings
6.15-7.00am - Wednesday mornings

What Is It?

A high energy, fast paced BootCamp designed to burn fat, boost cardio fitness and build muscle strength. Both fun and effective, we'll interlace HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with innovative circuits and calorie burning workouts.

Who Is It For?

Everyone! We warmly welcome all abilities and offer options for every level. All we ask is that you give us everything you've got for the 45 minutes you're with us!

Where Is It?

Hill Place House, 55a High Street, Wimbledon, London, SW19 5BA

There is free parking at that time in the morning, and a place to get changed too.

How To Book?

To pay for a drop-in class head over to our BootCamp page. To book a slot using your HA fitness pass or as a Boot Camper, drop us a line. Make sure you do book in advance as we are limiting numbers (it's a bit different from being in the park!).

Come along and give us a try - you won't regret it!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

The Pelvic Floor (and a little prosecco)

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Wimbledon Buggyfit (that's us), APPI (amazing physios in the Village) and Cake & Kale (highly qualified Wimbledon dietitian) are collaborating with Wimbledon & District NCT to bring you this informative evening.

This is a night of fun, wisdom and education for women of every stage:

  • What is your pelvic floor and what happens during pregnancy
  • How to train your pelvic floor and what exercises work
  • How to restore your core and what abdominal exercises you can safely do
  • The importance of exercise during pregnancy, post-natal and beyond
  • Top tips on optimum post-natal nutrition

Date and Time: Monday 2nd October 8.15pm - 9.30pm

Place: Hill Place House, 55a High Street, Wimbledon, London, SW19 5BA

Cost: £10 (includes Prosecco and nibbles!)

Book your place today!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Stretch, Strengthen & Restore - 5 Week Course

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Using a wide range of yoga techniques, this course will help you to improve your flexibility, strengthen your muscles & relax your whole body.

No matter what kind of shape you're in, whether you're new to exercise, or train 7 days a week, these sessions will help you to discover more about your own body, enabling you to work on those weak spots & loosen-up those tight bits.

Let the transformation begin!


  • 7.45-9.00pm Tuesday evenings (Heather)

  • 6.15-7.00am Thursday mornings (Jane)
  • 19 September - 17 October 2017 (5 week course)



  • £15 drop-in. As we're in a studio, we have limited space, so please do book in advance.
Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Set Your Alarm For Early!

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Put down your Sunday night glass of wine. Get your kit ready and go to bed early. Because we'd love to see you in the park or studio at 6.15am tomorrow morning! You'll feel amazingly smug after your workout, and you'll glow all day. It will be worth the early start. We promise!

This week you can choose from the following early morning sessions. They all start at 6.15am and finish at either 7.00am or 7.15am.




You're welcome to use your class passes at any of these sessions. Or you can drop-in to the park for £10 a class or the studio for £12 (you need to pre-book for the later).

See you in the morning!

Heather and the HA fitness team

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Update On Studio Prices - We Want You There!

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Following feedback from all of you, we've made it easier for you to try out our new studio.

For our Cardio Blast classes in September only, there are now 3 ways you can join us:

  1. You can use your HA fitness class pass (email us to book your session)
  2. Any Wimbledon Park Boot Campers can use their sessions at the studio (email us to book your session)
  3. You can now drop-in for just £12 (do book first though)


  • 6.15-7.00am - Monday mornings
  • 6.15-7.00am - Wednesday mornings

It's really important that you book in advance. We have limited space, so we'd advise not leaving it until the last minute. Either book via paypal or drop us a line to let us know.

What Is It?

A high energy, fast paced BootCamp designed to burn fat, boost cardio fitness and build muscle strength. Both fun and effective, we'll interlace HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with innovative circuits and calorie burning workouts.

Who Is It For?

Everyone! We warmly welcome all abilities and offer options for every level. All we ask is that you give us everything you've got for the 45 minutes you're with us!

Where Is It?

Hill Place House, 55a High Street, Wimbledon, London, SW19 5BA

How To Book?

To pay for a drop-in class head over to our BootCamp page. To book a slot using your HA fitness pass or as a BootCamper, drop us a line. Make sure you do book in advance as we are limiting numbers (it's a bit different from being in the park!).

Happy Training!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

New Wimbledon Village BootCamp!

Cardio Blast - 5 Week BootCamp!

Jump start your day with 45 minutes of cardio fitness at our new studio in Wimbledon Village!

A high energy, fast paced BootCamp designed to:

  • burn fat
  • boost cardio fitness
  • build muscle strength.

Both fun and effective, we'll interlace HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with in novative circuits and calorie burning workouts.

Who Is It For?

Everyone! We warmly welcome all abilities and offer options for every level. All we ask is that you give us everything you've got for the 45 minutes you're with us!

When Is It?

  • 18 September - 18 October 2017 (5 week course)
  • 6.15-7.00am Monday mornings
  • 6.15-7.00am Wednesday mornings

Where Is It?

Cost and How To Book: 

  • £60 for 5 classes or £100 for 10 classes (18 Sept - 20 Oct only).
  • You can book by heading over to our BootCamp page, or drop us a line for more info.

Happy Training!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.