Knowing Me Knowing You - Spotlight on Gemma Mossakowska!


Gemma joined HA fitness a few months ago as a Personal Trainer. She's incredibly hard working & inspirational. She'd take an early morning training session & then head off to her day job as a solicitor. We're now so excited that she has decided to leave her city career behind so that she can do extra training for HA fitness & spend more time with her family.

We thought we'd share a bit more about Gemma with you here:

1) You've just done the big career change thing. What did you do before, and what made you jack it all in for a life in fitness?

I am a qualified solicitor and have worked in banking for almost 10 years in the City and Canary Wharf.  Since having my two girls I have been working part time.  As anyone can guess, having kids changes your life.  After returning to work the second time, I felt that working in the City wasn’t giving me the right work/life balance, and most importantly, the time with my kids I was craving.  I have been studying for my fitness qualifications for almost 2 years now and a wonderful opportunity came up with HA Fitness so I decided to finally bite the bullet and follow my heart. It has been hard to leave the City but I already know it's the best decision I have made in a while.

2) What made you choose being a trainer over other professions?

If I was going to leave a good job after 10 years it had to be for love!  I wanted to do something I was really passionate about. I have had the benefit of Personal Training in the past and know how motivational it can be.  I want to help people realise their fitness goals, whether it be post natal, pre ski season or just getting moving again.

3) You've juggled an intense career with a family and studying to become an instructor. How did you manage to do it all? Have you got any top tips?

A list. If I didn’t write everything down I would be a mess.  Regular exercise and a good night’s sleep help me feel prepared for a jam packed day – although the sleep isn’t always easy to get with young kids.  I make the most of any free time to study, squeezing in 30 minutes here and there, like on my train ride to work.  The fact that I am really interested in the subject makes it much easier to find some spare time. I am not a night owl so I would rather get up early to study than burn the midnight oil.

4) How did you get involved with HA fitness?

After my first daughter was born I started attending Buggyfit classes with HA fitness.  It wasn’t long until I was truly hooked.  I loved being outdoors and having an easy way to train whilst still being with my baby.  I met a very inspirational trainer (thanks Kate!) who gave me the idea of enrolling on a fitness instructor course.  I started studying and attended as many courses as I could whilst pregnant with my second.  Kate put me in touch with Heather while I was on maternity leave and I started taking classes this summer.

5) Tell us about your own fitness? What do you like doing yourself? Any tips on staying focused when you've got a huge amount of other stuff going on?

I really enjoy exercise, how it makes me feel emotionally as well as the affect on my body.  I love cycling (indoors and out) as well as running and aerobic classes such as Body Pump.  I have just entered my first Olympic style triathlon in the summer so I had better get my swimming up to scratch!

In terms of fitting it in: sometimes you have to be creative or willing to get up before the kids.  I just have to get up and do it – if I think about it too much I will always find a reason not to.  Finding a buddy to exercise with helps, you rarely stand a friend up.  I think sometimes you just have to say ‘yes’ then work out how to fit things in.

6) Who or what inspires you?

I don’t have a particular hero. I am inspired by normal people doing things that really challenge them. Of course I am impressed by athletes beating their PB but it is more inspiring for me to see the new mum getting out to a class despite the night of feeding behind her or the man who works long hours but still fits in training for his first marathon.

7) What do you do to relax?

My husband jokes that my hobby is hobbies: if it involves craft, I have probably tried it.  My current favourites are baking, crochet, sewing and reading – not that I have much time to spare.

8) Do you have any guilty pleasures? Chocolate? Cake?

All of the above! As a keen baker, there are often naughty treats lying around.  I think a treat here and there makes life worth living. I just have to remember that a treat shouldn’t be an everyday (or every meal) occurrence. This was a hard lesson to re-learn after being pregnant and breast feeding when hunger takes on a new meaning.

Gemma is available for Personal Training in Wimbledon & the surrounding SW London area. We think training with Gemma will get booked up really quickly, so contact us now to book in your sessions!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Bring it on!


Give me a rainy day anytime! It's part of the thrill of outdoor training.

Admittedly, you have to dig deep & toughen up a bit. But once you get out the door, & put one foot in front of the other, you stop noticing the rain & start enjoying the challenge.

During our classes & personal training sessions, we try to keep you as snug as possible. We'll find a big tree to shelter under. We'll keep you off the wet ground & we'll work you so hard you won't feel the cold or notice the rain!

You'll probably end up doing something a bit different too. Take a look at the email we received last month from a Buggyfit mum:

Hi Heather,
 I just wanted to tell you what a lovely class we had with Kate in South Park this morning. It was pouring with rain most of the time & there were only five of us. But, as ever, she was cheerful & upbeat. We had a great time with weight balls & the ladder thingy, which we don't normally do with the bigger classes. She is a great instructor.
 Best wishes,
 Daniella Horwitz

Still unsure? Here our Top Tips for when it's really lashing it down:

1) Protect your phone by putting it in a zip lock food bag.

2) Avoid cotton clothes, which just soak up the water. Go for something synthetic & moisture wicking.

3) Unless it's really, really cold, don't overdress in head-to-toe waterproofs. You'll just overheat & sweat a lot. A lightweight jacket is usually sufficient.

4) Dry your trainers out by removing the inner soles & stuffing the shoe with newspaper to soak up some of the moisture. Don't, whatever you do, put them on the radiator or in the oven. It just makes them smell & they'll never really be the same again.

5) Fearlessly splashing through puddles like a big kid is a great way of taking your mind off your workout!

So next time it looks like rain, put your trainers on, grab your waterproof & embrace the elements with us. We promise you'll be buzzing with achievement & smugness by the end of the session!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

See you tonight?

A quick reminder that our new Wednesday evening class in South Park Gardens, Wimbledon starts at 7.15 tonight!

Make sure you join us by planning the rest of your day now. Blast through your to-do list, tackle your children/partner's requests & find your workout gear - dirty or clean, we don't mind!

Feeling stressed? Then join us tonight to burn off some of that tension. The class will involve our usual mixture of challenging workouts, camaraderie & fresh air. The best therapy you can get!

We'll be meeting near the Trinity Road entrance to the park where there is more light. For those of you who don't know it, this amazing park is just a 5 min walk from Wimbledon station. If you're driving, there's free parking in Effra, Faraday & Clarence Roads after 6.30pm (some of the other roads are metered at this time).

So clear your diary & join us at 7.15pm tonight for some outdoor fitness fun.

No need to book, just turn up.

Hope to see you there,


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Mats, Mats, Glorious Mats!

As a team, we spend hours cleaning & drying them. Our cars have a permanent damp mat smell. And although we don't mind too much, our loved ones aren't quite so impressed.

So, in an effort to improve family relations, we'll be asking you to bring your own mats to all of our Fit In The Park classes in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens from 7 October. We'll have spares if you forget, but please do try & remember.

You can buy them cheaply from Amazon, Argos & the big Sainsbury's, Tesco & Asda. Or ask one of our trainers if they have any old ones to sell on.

You really don't need anything flash, just something to throw down on the ground to protect you from the mud. Or you could always "go commando" & be mat free!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Change is afoot...

With the new term starting, it's been a busy couple of weeks for the team. Collectively we've deserted 4 little darlings at Big School & 1 older one at Uni for the first time. So if the sessions have been extra tough recently, we're sorry for taking it out on you!

Now that we've mastered the new routine, we'd like to make a couple of adjustments to your class timetable, so get your diaries ready.

New Wednesday Evening Class In South Park Gardens, Wimbledon

Thank you for all the positive responses about our new Wednesday evening class. We'll be starting on 2nd October in South Park Gardens at 7.15pm. We'll meet near the Trinity Road entrance where there is more light.

Monday Night Class Moving To Holy Trinity School Hall, Wimbledon

Starting from the 7th October our Monday evening class will be going indoors. We'll be putting you through your paces in the Front Hall at Holy Trinity Primary School. Situated on Effra Road, the school is just 2 minutes walk from SPG.  The French windows will be open at the front of the school, which leads you straight into the hall. There's free parking on Effra road in the evening.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Wednesday evening in South Park Gardens, Wimbledon?

We've been asked to put on a Wednesday evening Fit In The Park class. Anyone else up for it? We'd start at 7.15pm & meet in South Park Gardens. As with all our classes, it would be suitable for all levels & lots of fun.

Register your interest by emailing If we get enough response, we'll add it to the timetable!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Biting things

Don't forget to put on some insect repellent before you come out to play. Especially if you're going to our early morning or evening sessions. Wearing long sleeves & trousers is a good plan too. For maximum protection, tuck your top into your bottoms & your bottoms into your socks. It may not look cool, but its a lot better than being bitten!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Good luck to all the cyclists this weekend!

SW19 is home to some more sporting action this weekend as the Ride London route heads through Raynes Park, Wimbledon & then Putney.

We'd like to wish all our clients & friends good luck including Charlie (husband of our instructor Jane) & Liz (one of our regular Buggyfit mums). We're sure all of your hard work & dedication to training will pay off. We'll be cheering you on all the way!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Keeping Your Cool

Cool Spots

Running your wrists under a cold tap when it’s hot feels lovely.  Did you know this is part of your body’s natural cooling system?

The blood vessels in your wrists are close to the surface of the skin. The theory is, by making this bit of you cold, you reduce the temperature of the blood passing through. This cooled blood then circulates around the rest of your body, giving you some relief from the heat.

All of your pulse points (places where you can feel your pulse) seem to work like this. The neck, inner elbows & backs of the knees are some of the easiest areas to chill. Throw cold water on or wrap a wet cloth around them during your workout & you’ll get some relief. You've also got pulse points in the tops of your feet & ankles, so after a hot workout plunge your throbbing tootsies into a bowl of icy water. Bliss!

Cooling your whole head feels great too. I love going out for a run with wet hair (quick cold shower before I go, looks a bit strange but it works!).

Cool Sweat

When we’re hot, more blood is directed towards the skin’s surface (that's why you go red). The body then produces sweat on the skin to cool the blood down.

It’s a great cooling system, but it does use up a lot of water. So when it’s hot outside, stay hydrated. Plan ahead, keep sipping water throughout the day & increase your consumption both during & after your workout.

There’s a quick scientific test you can do to see how hydrated you are. Go to the loo & check the colour of your urine. The lighter the colour the better. Think the colour of lemonade rather than Pimms!

Cool Kit

To allow this sweating process to work efficiently, avoid wearing clothes that trap sweat & heat against your body. Opt for lightweight, loose fitting clothes.

If you train a lot in the heat, invest in some technical kit that pulls the wetness away from the skin. It’s the evaporation process that keeps you cool. Look for words like Climacool (Adidas), Dri-Fit (Nike) or just a generic "moisture-wicking" fabric.

Cool Ego

When it gets hot, slow down and listen to your body.

Be aware of your current fitness levels. Generally, the fitter you are, the better your body can tolerate exercise in the heat.  If you're unfit or new to exercise, don’t push it too hard & take lots of breaks.
Whatever your fitness ability, on hotter days, don’t aim to beat previous scores, or get a PB. You have my permission to ease back!

Cool Training

Summer outdoor workouts are definitely worth sweating over.  Just make sure you train sensibly, stick to the shade & avoid the middle of the day.

So don’t hide indoors. Make the most of the lovely weather, it won’t be around for long!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Important HA fitness class changes

7pm Thursday Fit In The Park - last class on 18 July.

We're taking the 7pm Thursday night Fit In The Park class off the timetable next week (last class on 18 July). We apologise to those of you who like this class time. Unfortunately we have to make a decision based on the level of demand. The majority of our Wimbledon Park regulars prefer seeing us before breakfast rather than at the end of the day!

Don't forget that we still have our evening class on Mondays at 7.15pm in South Park Gardens. This beautiful park is just a 5 min walk from Wimbledon station. If you're driving, there's free parking in Effra, Faraday & Clarence Roads after 6.30pm (some of the other roads are metered).

Friday Fit In The Park Class - now starts at 9.15am

You told us that the school run routine would work better if our Friday Fit In The Park class in South Park Gardens was  earlier.

So, starting from 19 July, this class will now take place at the earlier time of 9.15am.

What are your thoughts on our class timetable?

Would you like different times, days & venues? Drop me a line & tell me about it!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Welcome Gemma!

We're really pleased to welcome Gemma Mossakowska to the HA fitness team!

Gemma started coming to Wimbledon Buggyfit & doing some personal training with us 3 years ago after the birth of her first child. She loved it so much she decided to train up & join the team!

Gemma will be covering different classes over the summer, so hopefully you'll all get chance to train with her. She's brimming with fresh ideas & has lots of new moves to share!

You can read more about Gemma here.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Holy Trinity School Fair, Wimbledon

We had lots of fun meeting old clients & making new friends at the Holy Trinity CE Primary School fair last Saturday in South Park Gardens.

I feel so luckly that we're able to run our fitness classes in this buzzing part of Wimbledon. It's a great place & really wonderful people.

Thanks to everyone who popped over to say hello!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Well done to Ant & Rich!

Regulars at our Saturday morning Fit In The Park class in South Park Gardens, Ant & Rich, decided to do something a bit different last weekend. They, plus 2 other friends, completed the Endure 24, a twenty four hour race over a 5 mile loop. They completed a staggering 160 miles between them (40 each!) from Saturday noon to Sunday noon.

Well done guys!!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

All eyes on us

With the Tennis Championships heading our way, SW19 will soon become the sporting focus of the world again.

During this busy fortnight (24th June to 7th July), all of our classes will continue to run as normal. However, we'll be keeping well out of the way of the happy campers in Wimbledon Park by training at the top end of the park. Come in through the Revelstoke Road entrance & turn left. We'll be slightly up the hill to the left of the tennis courts.

We recommend giving your workout an extra boost by walking, running or cycling to Wimbledon Park when the tennis is on. With the usual 2 car parks closed & no parking on the local roads, your best option is to come on foot or by bike.

All of our other classes in Wimbledon Common & South Park Gardens should be unaffected, although the traffic may be a bit heavier. Surprisingly, the Windmill car park on Wimbledon Common never gets too busy, so no problem with parking for Buggyfit on Tuesdays & Fridays.

Don't let this put you off though. We've got some great classes planned & would really love to see you there. You may even bump into some famous faces!

Do you have any visitor parking permits for Wimbledon/Southfields/SW19?

Despite being a small business in the area, we're unable to get parking permits for the tennis fortnight. We'd therefore really appreciate it if anyone has a visitor permit that they could give or lend to us (with lots of kit & many sessions to train, it's not so easy to leave the car behind).

If you can help, please get in touch & we'll arrange to pick it up.

Many thanks!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Maggies Power Walk: Saturday 8 June 2013 - Warm-up by HA fitness!

Want a challenge this Saturday? How about a 15 mile charity walk from Richmond Park along the Thames to Hammersmith? Here's why you should join us:

1) It's for an amazing charity. Maggie’s Centres provide emotional, practical and social support to people with cancer & their families & friends.

2) It's just £35 to sign-up, which you can do online. There's no fundraising commitment, just raise as much as you can.

3) It's a beautiful scenic walk, which will help you to burn calories & get fit.

4) I will be doing the warm-up at the start!

Go to the Maggies website for more info & to sign-up. Hope to see you there!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Fad Diets

As people start thinking about summer holidays, we hear lots of talk about quirky diets purporting to be the answer to our beach body dreams. Just putting the word "diet" into Amazon brings up some crazy titles such as The Overnight Diet, the Greedy Girls Diet & The Belly Fat Diet. All are high on promises, but none inspire me with confidence.

There's nothing new about fad diets. The same ideas have been remodeled & repackaged for decades & have never really worked. Fad diets are easy to spot, they tend to have one or more of the following in common:

1. Promises rapid weight loss or a quick fix. Yes, most will lead to fast weight loss, but the focus is on the short term, so you will end up putting the weight back on again.

2.  Contains a ritual (drink grapefruit juice everyday) or sacrifice (cut out carbs). Many of these things are based on dodgy science or no research at all. Cutting out certain food groups could prevent you from getting the important nutrients & vitamins that your body needs to function properly.

3. Involves a magical food or food combination. These often make far-fetched claims with little or no evidence to back them up.

4. Rigid menus or monotonous food choices.  These are impracticable to follow in the long-term and may be nutritionally unbalanced. The minute you go back to your old lifestyle, the pounds will start returning.

Lose weight the HA fitness way!

Eat less & exercise more. We put on weight when the amount of calories we eat exceeds the amount we burn off. To lose weight, you need to eat less & burn more. Get in touch if you'd like to know more about how we can make this work for you!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Can you squeeze in one more?

The schools are back & we're already counting how many sleeps until the summer holidays. Now's the time to do that final push for the summer. Whether you want to turn those bingo wings into sculpted pieces of art, or convert the spare tyre into something that more resembles a washboard, the best thing you can do right now is to train hard & eat well.

Have a look at our timetable below. Can you squeeze in one more session a week? Just until the summer?

Try & come along to one of our evening classes after work. It's lovely at that time of day in the park at the moment. Take advantage of the long evenings while you can & join us on:

Mondays: 7.15pm, South Park Gardens - meet in the middle of the park
Thursdays: 7.00pm, Wimbledon Park - meet near the Revelstoke Road entrance.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.